Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lesson # 190 I Am Wearing

porter (pohr tay) -to wear (clothing), to carry, to bring

We will deal with the wearing of clothes in this lesson.

Je porte (zhuh pohrt) -I wear, I am wearing
tu portes (too pohrt) -you wear, you are wearing (when speaking to a friend or family member)
il porte (eel pohrt) -he wears, he is wearing
nous portons (noo pohr tohn) -we wear, we are wearing
vouz portez (voo pohr tay) -you wear, you are wearing (when speaking to someone you do not now well)
ils portent (eel pohrt) -they are wearing (when speaking of an all male or mixed male & female group)
elles portent (ell pohrt) -they are wearing (when speaking of an all female group)

Je porte une chemise brune (zhuh pohrt oon sheh meez broon) -I am wearing a brown shirt.
il porte un manteau noir (eel pohrt uhn mahn toh nwah) -He is wearing a black coat.
tu portes un chapeau bleu (too pohrt uhn shah poh bluh) -You are wearing a blue hat.

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