Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lesson #220 -Closed

J'ai fermé (zhay fehr may) -I closed, I had closed
Tu as fermé (too ah fehr may) -You closed, you had closed (spoken to a friend or family member)
 il a fermé(eel ah fehr may) - He closed, he had closed
elle a fermé (ell ah fehr may) -She closed, she had closed
nous avons fermé (nooz ah vohn fehr may) -We closed, we had closed
vous avez fermé (vooz ah vay fehr may) -You closed, you had closed (when speeaking to someone you don't know well)
ils ont fermé (eel zohn fehr may) -They closed, they had closed (when speaking of an all male or mixed male & female group)
elles ont fermé (ell zohn fehr may) -They closed, they had opened (when speaking of an all female group)

J'ai fermé la porte (zhay fehr may lah pohrt) -I closed the door.
Tu as fermé la fenêtre? (too ah fehr may lah feh neh truh) -Did you close the window?

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