If you do want to bike, the city has free bikes you can use for 30 minutes or less, which I'm told is enough time to move around the city with. They have computerized stations to rent them from. Over 30 minutes & you are then charged an increasing rate per hour. The bikes I'm told are obviously not going to be great ones. The other problem is that if you get to station to drop it off, & it is full, you will be directed to another station. So If you want to rent a bike, the Bike stores are a better choice, where you can rent a bike for 10-20 Euros a day.
Again this is a big city, so be careful on your bike, & wear a helmet!
une bicyclette (oon bee see kleht) -a bicycle
un velo (uhn vay loh) -a bike
une bicyclette (oon bee see kleht) -a bicycle
un velo (uhn vay loh) -a bike
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