Sunday, April 20, 2014

I Would Like To Rent A...

The phrase for "I would like to rent..." is:

Je voudrais louer ...

Je voudrais louer une voiture (zhuh voo dray loo ay oon vwah chure) -I would like to rent a car
Je voudrais louer un bateau (zhuh voo dray loo ay uhn bah toh) -I would like to rent a boat
Je voudrais louer un bateau à voile (zhuh voo dray loo ay uhn bah toh ah vwahl) -I would like to rent a sailboat
Je voudrais louer une bicyclette (zhuh voo dray loo ay oon bee see kleht) -I would like to rent a bicycle
Je voudrais louer une moto (zhuh voo dray loo ay oon moh toh) -I would like to rent a motorcycle
Je voudrais louer une petite maison (zhuh voo dray loo ay oon peh teet may zohn) I would like to rent a small house

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