Saturday, August 3, 2013


J'achèterai cette voiture (zhah sheh toor ray seht vwah chure) I will be buying that car
Tu achèteras un soda? (too ah sheht toor ah uhn soh dah) -You will be buying a soda? (to a family or friend member)
Il achètera cet DVD (eel ah sheht toor ray seht dee vee dee) He will be buying that DVD
Elle achètera une robe (ell h sheht toor ray oon rohb) - She will be buying a dress
Nous achèterons une maison (nooz ah sheht toor rohn oon may zohn) -We will be buying a house
Vous achèterez un jouet (vooz ah sheht toor ray uhn zhoo ay) - You are buying a toy (to someone you don't know well)
Ils achèteront les billets (eelz ah sheht toor rohn lay bee yay) They are buying the tickets (refering to an all male group or a mixed male & female group)
Elles achèteront des timbres (ellz ah sheht toor rohn day teem bruh) -They are buying some stamps (refering to an all female group)

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