Saturday, September 22, 2012

My, Your, His, Her, Our, Their (part 1)

Possesive Adjectives: My, Your, His, Her, Our, Their

Part one of this lesson will deal with single mascuine words:

For masculine singuar words:
my -mon (mohn) mon stylo (mohn stee loh) -my pencil
your -ton (tohn) ton oncle (tohn ohn kluh) -your uncle
his, her -son (sohn) son livre (sohn lee vruh) -his, her book
our -notre (noh truh) notre taxi (noh truh tahk see) -our taxi
your -votre (voh truh) votre livre (voh truh lee vruh) - your book
their -leur (loor) leur crayon (loor kray ohn) -their pencil
(you will learn later on that notre, votre & leur is also used for feminine words. We will go into that on Thursday)

ton is used when refering to a masculine relative or close friend:
ton oncle (tohn ohn kluh) -your uncle
ton frère (tohn frehr) -your brother
ton père (tohn pehr) -your father

votre is used with masculine singular objects:
votre crayon (voh truh kray ohn) -your pencil
votre stylo (voh truh stee loh) -your pen
votre livre (voh truh lee vruh) -your book

Part 2 will be posted next week

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