Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lesson #207 Keeping

garder (gahr day) -to keep

je garde (zhuh gahrd) -I am keep, I keep
tu gardes (too gahrd) -You are keeping, you keep (when speaking to a friend or family member)
il garde (eel gahrd) -He is keeping, he keeps
elle garde (ell gahrd) -She is keeping, she keeps
nous gardons (noo gahr dohn) -We are keeping, we keep
vous gardez (voo gahr day) -You are keeping, you keep (when speaking to someone you do not know well)
ils gardent (eel gahrd) -They are keeping, they keep (when speaking of an all male or mixed male & female group)
elles gardent (ell gahrd) -They are keeping, they keep (when speaking of an all female group)

Je garde la bicyclette (zhuh gahrd lah bee see kleht) -I am keeping the bike.
ils gardent la maison (eel garhd lah may zhahn) -They are keeping the house
Nous gardons les livres (noo gahrd ohn lay lee vruh)) -We are keeping the books

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