Monday, December 6, 2010

Lesson #204 Do You Want...

Voulez-vous... (voo lay voo) -Do you want...

...du poulet? Oui. Je voudrais du poulet. (doo poo lay. wee zhuh voo dray doo poo lay) - some ...chicken? Yes I would like some chicken.
...du café? Non. Je voudrais une tasse de thé. (doo kah fay. noh zhuh voo dray oon tahsse deh tay) -some coffee? No. I would like some tea.
...des carrottes? Non, mais je voudrais des pommes et des petits pois. (day kah roht. noh may zhuh voo dray day pahm ay day peh teet pwah) -some carrots? No, But I would like some potatoes and some peas. la soupe de poulet? Non. Avez-vous de la soupe de pommes de terre. (deh lah soop. noh ah vay voo deh lah soop deh pahm deh tehr) -some chicken soup? No. Do you have any potato soup?

Parts of the sentences:
poulet (poo lay) chicken
café (kah fay) -coffee
thé (tay) -tea
mais (may) -but
carrotte (kah roht) -carrot
pommes de terre (pahm deh tehr) -potatoes
petits pois (peh teet pwah) -peas
soupe (soop) -soup

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