Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dato Shake -French Singer

Dato Shake is a French singer of Malay descent. When he was a small garçon, Shake dreamed of making musique on distant shores. His disciplinarian famille first tried to dissuade him, soon surrendered to the talent and desire so evident. European artists who had discovered the lushness of Malaysia and heard the underage singer encouraged him to try this luck in Europe.

He bid goodbye to his famille and headed to London where he studied vocal class for un année. Then he was offered aller to Paris, France, within months, he had secured a label and his first single was released, entitled, "Tu sais je t'aime" (You know I love you). Plus, he did indeed shake up the music scene et became the first Asian singer who sang en français. The single sprinted up the charts, followed by half a dozen other gold and platinum singles and albums. Concert appearances and television specials followed swiftly as Shake quickly became the toast of Europe. He became popular in all the countries where French is spoken - he was for instance, quinze semaines at the top of the charts in Canada: he became enormously popular in North African countries and the cosmopolitan areas of Africa - such as the Ivory Coast and Senegal. Naturally all of the Pacific Islands embraced one on their own.

garçon (gahr sohn) -boy musique (mew zeek) -music famille (fah meel) -family

un année (uhn ah nay) -a year aller (ah lay) -to go et (ay) -and

en français (ahn frahn say) -in French quinze semaines (kahnz seh mahn) -15 weeks

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