Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - Where Is The Police Station

Où se trouve le poste de police (ooh seh troov leh pohst deh poh leece) -Where is the police station?

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary breakdown:
(ooh) -where
Où se trouve (ooh seh troov) where can one find...
le poste (leh pohst) -office, station
de police (deh poh leece) -of Police

Vocabulary Word of the Day - Arguement

Children's Phrase of the Day - Why Are You Here

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day -When I Have A little Money

Quand j'ai un peu d'argent (kahn zhay uhn puh dahr zhahn) -When I have a little money...

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Comb

In Front Of...

devant (deh vahn) -in front of

Je suis debout devant la banque. (zhuh swee deh boo deh vsahn lah bahnk) -I am standing in front of the bank.
Il travaille devant la télévision. (eel trah vah ee deh vahn lah tay lay vee zhee ohn) -I am working in front of the television
Elle est assis devant le café. (ell eht ah see deh vahn leh kah fay) -She is sitting in front of the cafe.
Ils attendent devant l'épicerie. (eelz ah tahn dahn deh vahn lay pee surr ee) -They are waiting in front of the grocery store.
Nous sommes debout devahnt l'église. (noo sohm deboot deh vahn lay gleez) -We are standing in front of the church.

Children's Phrase of the Day - I Am Always Hungry

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - Try It Before You Decide

Essaie-le avant de décider (eh say ee leh ah vahn deh day see day) -Try it before you decide
Essaie-la avant de décider (eh say ee lah ah vahn deh day see day) -Try it before you decide

Repeat these phrases all day long till you know it by heart.

Essaie-le refers to trying something that is a masculine word
Essaie-la refers to trying something that is a female word

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Bridge

In Front Of...

devant (deh vahn) -in front of

Je suis debout devant la banque. (zhuh swee deh boo deh vsahn lah bahnk) -I am standing in front of the bank.
Il travaille devant la télévision. (eel trah vah ee deh vahn lah tay lay vee zhee ohn) -I am working in front of the television
Elle est assis devant le café. (ell eht ah see deh vahn leh kah fay) -She is sitting in front of the cafe.
Ils attendent devant l'épicerie. (eelz ah tahn dahn deh vahn lay pee surr ee) -They are waiting in front of the grocery store.
Nous sommes debout devahnt l'église. (noo sohm deboot deh vahn lay gleez) -We are standing in front of the church.

Children's Phrase of the Day - I Like You

Friday, September 26, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - Why Are You Worrying?

Pourquoi vous inquiétez-vous? (pohr kwah voo ahn kee ay tay voo) -Why are you worrying?

Repeat this phrase all day long till you kn ow it by heart.

Vocabulary breakdown:
Pourquoi (pohr kwah) -why
vous (voo) -you
vous inquiétez vooz ahn kee ay tay) -you are worrying, you worry

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Garlic

Children's Phrase of the Day - Where Are We Going? Over There

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - It's Very Kind Of You

C’est très gentil à vous (say treh zhan teel ah voo) -It's very kind of you

Repeat this phrase all day long til you know it by heart.

Vocabulary Word of the Day- Hammer

Articles of Clothing

Words for articles of clothing:

les chaussures (lay shoh soor) -shoes
le chapeau (leh shah poh) -hat
la robe (lah rohb) -dress
la jupe (lah zhoop) -skirt
le chimisier (leh sheh mee zee ay) -blouse
la chemise (lah she meez) -shirt
le pantalon (leh pahn tah lohn) -pants
le manteau (leh mahn toh) -coat
les chaussettes (lay shoh seht) socks

Children's Phrase of the Day - What Are You Going To Do?

Monday, September 15, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Would Like The Meat Well Done

J’aime la viande très cuite (zhehm lah vee ahnd treh kweet) - I would like the meat well done

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary breakdown:
J'aime (zhehm) -I would like, I like
la viande (lah vee ahnd) -the meat
très (treh) -very
cuite (kweet) -well done

Vocabulary Words of the Day -Jackets

Children's Phrase of the Day - What A Good Idea

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Prefer To Take My Time

Je préfère prendre mon temps (zhuh pray fehr prahn druh mohn tahmp) -I prefer to take my time

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary breakdown:
Je préfère (zhuh pray fehr)
prendre (prahn druh) -to take
mon (mohn) -my
temps (tahmp) -time

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Butcher

Lateness Phrases of the Week

Je suis en retard (zhuh sweez ahn reh tar) -I am late
tu es en retard (too ess ahn reh tar) -You are late (speaking to a friend or family member)
il est en retard (eel eht ahn reh tar) -He is late
elle est en retard (ell eht ahn reh tar) -She is late
nous sommes en retard (noo somz ahn reh tard) -We are late
vous êtes en retard (vooz eht ahn reh tar) -You are late (speaking to someone you don't know well)

ils sont en retard (eel sohnt ahn reh tar) They are late (speaking of an all male or a mixed male & female group)
elles sont en retard (ell sohnt ahn reh tar) -They are late (speaking of an all female group)

Children's Phrase of the Day - Tell Me If I Am Right

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Can't Find The Street On The Map

Je ne peux pas trouver la rue sur le plan (zhuh neh poo pah troo vay lah roo surr leh plah) -I can not find the street on the map.

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary breakdown:

Je (zhuh) -I
Je ne peux pas (zhuh neh poo pah) -I can't
Je ne peux pas trouver (zhuh neh poo pah trouver) -I can't find
la rue (lah roo) -the street
sur (surr) -on
le plan (leh plah) -the map

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Collar

Lateness Phrases of the Week

Je suis en retard (zhuh sweez ahn reh tar) -I am late
tu es en retard (too ess ahn reh tar) -You are late (speaking to a friend or family member)
il est en retard (eel eht ahn reh tar) -He is late
elle est en retard (ell eht ahn reh tar) -She is late
nous sommes en retard (noo somz ahn reh tard) -We are late
vous êtes en retard (vooz eht ahn reh tar) -You are late (speaking to someone you don't know well)

ils sont en retard (eel sohnt ahn reh tar) They are late (speaking of an all male or a mixed male & female group)
elles sont en retard (ell sohnt ahn reh tar) -They are late (speaking of an all female group)

Children's Phrase of the Day - Do You Have A Lot Of Money?

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Can't Find...

Je ne trouve pas les ciseaux (zhuh neh troov pah lay see zoh) -I can't find the scissors.

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart .

Je ne trouve pas... -I can't find...

Extra words to use with this sentence:
les clés (lay klay) -the keys
l'argent (lahr zhan) -the money
la carte (lah karht) -the map
les passeports (lay pahce pohrt) -the passorts
la sortie (lah sohr tee) -the exit

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Mustache

Children's Phrase of the Day - When Are You Coming Back?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - We Would Like To Invite You To...

nous aimerions vous inviter à dîner (nooz ah meh ree ohn vooz ahn vee tay ah dee nay) -We would like to invite you to dinner

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary Word of the Day - Brakes