Où se trouve le poste de police (ooh seh troov leh pohst deh poh leece) -Where is the police station?
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
Vocabulary breakdown:
Où (ooh) -where
Où se trouve (ooh seh troov) where can one find...
le poste (leh pohst) -office, station
de police (deh poh leece) -of Police
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
Quick Phrase of the Day - I Thought I'd Made Myself Clear
Je croyais avoir été assez clair (zhuh kwoy ay ah vwah ay tay ah say klehr) -I thought I'd made myself clear
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Quick Phrase of the Day -When I Have A little Money
Quand j'ai un peu d'argent (kahn zhay uhn puh dahr zhahn) -When I have a little money...
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart
In Front Of...
devant (deh vahn) -in front of
Je suis debout devant la banque. (zhuh swee deh boo deh vsahn lah bahnk) -I am standing in front of the bank.
Il travaille devant la télévision. (eel trah vah ee deh vahn lah tay lay vee zhee ohn) -I am working in front of the television
Elle est assis devant le café. (ell eht ah see deh vahn leh kah fay) -She is sitting in front of the cafe.
Ils attendent devant l'épicerie. (eelz ah tahn dahn deh vahn lay pee surr ee) -They are waiting in front of the grocery store.
Nous sommes debout devahnt l'église. (noo sohm deboot deh vahn lay gleez) -We are standing in front of the church.
Je suis debout devant la banque. (zhuh swee deh boo deh vsahn lah bahnk) -I am standing in front of the bank.
Il travaille devant la télévision. (eel trah vah ee deh vahn lah tay lay vee zhee ohn) -I am working in front of the television
Elle est assis devant le café. (ell eht ah see deh vahn leh kah fay) -She is sitting in front of the cafe.
Ils attendent devant l'épicerie. (eelz ah tahn dahn deh vahn lay pee surr ee) -They are waiting in front of the grocery store.
Nous sommes debout devahnt l'église. (noo sohm deboot deh vahn lay gleez) -We are standing in front of the church.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Quick Phrase of the Day - Try It Before You Decide
Essaie-le avant de décider (eh say ee leh ah vahn deh day see day) -Try it before you decide
Essaie-la avant de décider (eh say ee lah ah vahn deh day see day) -Try it before you decide
Repeat these phrases all day long till you know it by heart.
Essaie-le refers to trying something that is a masculine wordEssaie-la refers to trying something that is a female word
Essaie-la avant de décider (eh say ee lah ah vahn deh day see day) -Try it before you decide
Repeat these phrases all day long till you know it by heart.
Essaie-le refers to trying something that is a masculine wordEssaie-la refers to trying something that is a female word
In Front Of...
devant (deh vahn) -in front of
Je suis debout devant la banque. (zhuh swee deh boo deh vsahn lah bahnk) -I am standing in front of the bank.
Il travaille devant la télévision. (eel trah vah ee deh vahn lah tay lay vee zhee ohn) -I am working in front of the television
Elle est assis devant le café. (ell eht ah see deh vahn leh kah fay) -She is sitting in front of the cafe.
Ils attendent devant l'épicerie. (eelz ah tahn dahn deh vahn lay pee surr ee) -They are waiting in front of the grocery store.
Nous sommes debout devahnt l'église. (noo sohm deboot deh vahn lay gleez) -We are standing in front of the church.
Je suis debout devant la banque. (zhuh swee deh boo deh vsahn lah bahnk) -I am standing in front of the bank.
Il travaille devant la télévision. (eel trah vah ee deh vahn lah tay lay vee zhee ohn) -I am working in front of the television
Elle est assis devant le café. (ell eht ah see deh vahn leh kah fay) -She is sitting in front of the cafe.
Ils attendent devant l'épicerie. (eelz ah tahn dahn deh vahn lay pee surr ee) -They are waiting in front of the grocery store.
Nous sommes debout devahnt l'église. (noo sohm deboot deh vahn lay gleez) -We are standing in front of the church.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Quick Phrase of the Day - Why Are You Worrying?
Pourquoi vous inquiétez-vous? (pohr kwah voo ahn kee ay tay voo) -Why are you worrying?
Repeat this phrase all day long till you kn ow it by heart.
Vocabulary breakdown:
Pourquoi (pohr kwah) -why
vous (voo) -you
vous inquiétez vooz ahn kee ay tay) -you are worrying, you worry
Repeat this phrase all day long till you kn ow it by heart.
Vocabulary breakdown:
Pourquoi (pohr kwah) -why
vous (voo) -you
vous inquiétez vooz ahn kee ay tay) -you are worrying, you worry
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Quick Phrase of the Day - I'm Going To Wash My Hands
Je vais me laver les mains (zhuh vay meh lah vay lay mahn) -I going to wash my hands
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
Quick Phrase of the Day - Did You Have Time To Look At...
Avez-vous eu le temps de regarder... (ah vay vooz ooh leh tahmp deh reh gahr day) -Did you have time to look at...
le dossier (leh doh see ay) -the file
le courrier (leh koor ee ay) -the mail
le contrat (leh kahn trah) -the contract
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Quick Phrase of the Day - I'm Not Staying Long
Je ne reste que peu de temps (zhuh neh rehst keh puh deh tahmp) -I'm not staying long.
Repeat this phrase all day till you know it by heart.
Repeat this phrase all day till you know it by heart.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Articles of Clothing
Words for articles of clothing:
les chaussures (lay shoh soor) -shoes
le chapeau (leh shah poh) -hat
la robe (lah rohb) -dress
la jupe (lah zhoop) -skirt
le chimisier (leh sheh mee zee ay) -blouse
la chemise (lah she meez) -shirt
le pantalon (leh pahn tah lohn) -pants
le manteau (leh mahn toh) -coat
les chaussettes (lay shoh seht) socks
les chaussures (lay shoh soor) -shoes
le chapeau (leh shah poh) -hat
la robe (lah rohb) -dress
la jupe (lah zhoop) -skirt
le chimisier (leh sheh mee zee ay) -blouse
la chemise (lah she meez) -shirt
le pantalon (leh pahn tah lohn) -pants
le manteau (leh mahn toh) -coat
les chaussettes (lay shoh seht) socks
Friday, September 19, 2014
Quick Phrase of the Day - It's Very Kind Of You
C’est très gentil à vous (say treh zhan teel ah voo) -It's very kind of you
Repeat this phrase all day long til you know it by heart.
Articles of Clothing
Words for articles of clothing:
les chaussures (lay shoh soor) -shoes
le chapeau (leh shah poh) -hat
la robe (lah rohb) -dress
la jupe (lah zhoop) -skirt
le chimisier (leh sheh mee zee ay) -blouse
la chemise (lah she meez) -shirt
le pantalon (leh pahn tah lohn) -pants
le manteau (leh mahn toh) -coat
les chaussettes (lay shoh seht) socks
les chaussures (lay shoh soor) -shoes
le chapeau (leh shah poh) -hat
la robe (lah rohb) -dress
la jupe (lah zhoop) -skirt
le chimisier (leh sheh mee zee ay) -blouse
la chemise (lah she meez) -shirt
le pantalon (leh pahn tah lohn) -pants
le manteau (leh mahn toh) -coat
les chaussettes (lay shoh seht) socks
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Quick Phrase of the Day -I Have A Map...
J'ai un plan de Paris sur lequel figurent toutes les rues (zhay uhn plahn deh pah ree soor leh kell fee gure ahn toot lay roo) - I have a map of Paris that shows every street.
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Quick Phrase of the Day - I Would Like The Meat Well Done
J’aime la viande très cuite (zhehm lah vee ahnd treh kweet) - I would like the meat well done
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
Vocabulary breakdown:
J'aime (zhehm) -I would like, I like
la viande (lah vee ahnd) -the meat
très (treh) -very
cuite (kweet) -well done
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
Vocabulary breakdown:
J'aime (zhehm) -I would like, I like
la viande (lah vee ahnd) -the meat
très (treh) -very
cuite (kweet) -well done
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Quick Phrase of the Day - I Prefer To Take My Time
Je préfère prendre mon temps (zhuh pray fehr prahn druh mohn tahmp) -I prefer to take my time
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
Vocabulary breakdown:
Je préfère (zhuh pray fehr)
prendre (prahn druh) -to take
mon (mohn) -my
temps (tahmp) -time
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
Vocabulary breakdown:
Je préfère (zhuh pray fehr)
prendre (prahn druh) -to take
mon (mohn) -my
temps (tahmp) -time
Lateness Phrases of the Week
Je suis en retard (zhuh sweez ahn reh tar) -I am late
tu es en retard (too ess ahn reh tar) -You are late (speaking to a friend or family member)
il est en retard (eel eht ahn reh tar) -He is late
elle est en retard (ell eht ahn reh tar) -She is late
nous sommes en retard (noo somz ahn reh tard) -We are late
vous êtes en retard (vooz eht ahn reh tar) -You are late (speaking to someone you don't know well)
ils sont en retard (eel sohnt ahn reh tar) They are late (speaking of an all male or a mixed male & female group)
elles sont en retard (ell sohnt ahn reh tar) -They are late (speaking of an all female group)
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Quick Phrase of the Day - I Can't Find The Street On The Map
Je ne peux pas trouver la rue sur le plan (zhuh neh poo pah troo vay lah roo surr leh plah) -I can not find the street on the map.
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
Vocabulary breakdown:
Je (zhuh) -I
Je ne peux pas (zhuh neh poo pah) -I can't
Je ne peux pas trouver (zhuh neh poo pah trouver) -I can't find
la rue (lah roo) -the street
sur (surr) -on
le plan (leh plah) -the map
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
Vocabulary breakdown:
Je (zhuh) -I
Je ne peux pas (zhuh neh poo pah) -I can't
Je ne peux pas trouver (zhuh neh poo pah trouver) -I can't find
la rue (lah roo) -the street
sur (surr) -on
le plan (leh plah) -the map
Lateness Phrases of the Week
Je suis en retard (zhuh sweez ahn reh tar) -I am late
tu es en retard (too ess ahn reh tar) -You are late (speaking to a friend or family member)
il est en retard (eel eht ahn reh tar) -He is late
elle est en retard (ell eht ahn reh tar) -She is late
nous sommes en retard (noo somz ahn reh tard) -We are late
vous êtes en retard (vooz eht ahn reh tar) -You are late (speaking to someone you don't know well)
ils sont en retard (eel sohnt ahn reh tar) They are late (speaking of an all male or a mixed male & female group)
elles sont en retard (ell sohnt ahn reh tar) -They are late (speaking of an all female group)
Friday, September 12, 2014
Quick Phrase of the Day - You Need To Go To The Hospital
Vous avez besoin d’aller à l’hôpital (vooz ah vay beh swahn dah lay ah loh pee tahl) -you need to go the the hospital.
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Quick Phrase of the Day - I Have Lost My Ticket
J'ai perdu mon billet (zhay purr doo mohn bee yay) -I have lost my ticket
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Quick Phrase of the Day - It Makes Me Sad
Cela me rend triste (seh lah meh rehn treest) -It makes me sad
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Quick Phrase of the Day - I Can't Find...
Je ne trouve pas les ciseaux (zhuh neh troov pah lay see zoh) -I can't find the scissors.
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart .
Je ne trouve pas... -I can't find...
Extra words to use with this sentence:
les clés (lay klay) -the keys
l'argent (lahr zhan) -the money
la carte (lah karht) -the map
les passeports (lay pahce pohrt) -the passorts
la sortie (lah sohr tee) -the exit
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart .
Je ne trouve pas... -I can't find...
Extra words to use with this sentence:
les clés (lay klay) -the keys
l'argent (lahr zhan) -the money
la carte (lah karht) -the map
les passeports (lay pahce pohrt) -the passorts
la sortie (lah sohr tee) -the exit
Monday, September 8, 2014
Quick Phrase of the Day - We Would Like To Invite You To...
nous aimerions vous inviter à dîner (nooz ah meh ree ohn vooz ahn vee tay ah dee nay) -We would like to invite you to dinner
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
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