Sunday, September 7, 2014


Short phrase commands that you may hear or say:

attendez! (ah tahn day) -wait!
asseyez-vous (ah say yay voo) -sit! (have a seat)
soyez tranquille! (swoy yay trahn keel) -be quiet!
suivez-moi (swee vay mwah) -follow me
écoutez! (ay koo tay) -listen!
regardez! (reh gar day) -look!
prenez garde (preh nay gahrd) -be careful (take care)
dépêchez-vous! (day pehsh ay voo) -hurry up!


  1. Maybe this website could be interesting for you:
    In this website you can share your culture and language with people of all countries around the world and totally free. I hope this information was useful for you.

  2. Thanks. I will check it out this weekend.


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