Sunday, June 8, 2014


the verb "Voir" (vwah) -to see:

Je vois
(zhuh vwah) -I see, I am seeing
Tu vois (too vwah) -You see, you are seeing (when taking to a friend or family member)
il voit (eel vwah) -he sees, he is seeing
elle voit (ell vwah) -she see, she is seeing
nous voyons (noo vwah yohn) we see, we are seeing
vous voyez (voo vwhy ay) -you see, you are seeing (when talking to someone you do not know well)
ills voient (eel vwah) -they see, they are seeing (when speaking of an all male or mixed male & female group)
elles voient (ell vwah) -they see, they are seeing (when speaking of an all female group)

When you understand what someone is saying to you, you can reply Je vois -I see!
il voit le livre (eel vwah leh lee vruh) -He sees the book
nous voyons le film ce soir (noo vwah yohn leh feelm seh swah) -We are seeing the film tonight.
Je le vois (zhuh leh vwah) - I see it, I see him

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