Sunday, June 30, 2013

Independent Pronouns

Independent pronouns used after prepositions.

Common prepositions include the words: about, above, after, among, around, at, before, behind, beneath, beside, between, by, down, from, in, into, like, near, of,off, on, out, over, through, to, up, upon,,,and with

Independent Pronouns:
moi (mwah) me
toi (twah) -you (speaking to a friend or family member)
lui (loo ee) -him
elle (ell) -her
nous (noo) -us
vous (voo) -you
eux (eww) -their (refering to males)
elles (ell) -their (refering to females)

après moi (ah preh mwah) - after me
sans toi (sahn twah) -without you
avec lui (ah vehk loo ee) -with him
pour elle (pohr ell) -for her
près de nous (preh deh noo) -near us
loin de vous (loh wahn deh voo) -far from you
excepté eux (ehk sehp tay eww) - except them
derrière elles (deh ree ehr ell) -behind them

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