Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thinking - Verb of the Week

je pense (zhuh pahnce)-I think, I am thinking
tu penses (tu pahnce)-You think, you are thinking (when talking to a friend or family member)
il pense (eel pahnce)-He thinks, he is thinking
elle pense (ell pahnce)-She thinks, she is thinking
nous pensons (noo pahn sohn)-We think, we are thinking
vous pensez (voo pahn say)-You think, you are thinking (when talking to someone you don't know well)
ils pensent (eel pahnce)-They think, they are thinking (when talking about a group of males or a mixed group of male & females)
elles pensent (ell pahnce) -They think, they are thinking (when talking about a group of females only)

Que penses-tu qu'il va arriver? (keh pahnce too keel vah ah ree vay) -What do you think will happen?
Je pense que je vais aller à l'épicerie maintenant (zhuh pahnce keh zhuh vay ah lay ah lay pee soor ee may teh nahn)-I think I'll go to the grocery store now.
Je pense que nous devrions prendre cette route (zhuh pahnce keh noo deh vree ohn prahn druh seht root) -I think we should take that road.

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