Thursday, February 16, 2012

Breakfast Phrases of the Week

Je voudrais des oeufs sur le plat (zhuh voo dray days oof sir leh plah) -I would like some fried eggs
Je voudrais des oeufs au bacon (zhuh voo dray days oof oh bay cohn) - I would like some bacon & eggs
Je voudrais des crêpes avec des sirop d'érable (zhuh voo dray day krehp ah vehk day seer rahp day rah bluh) - I would like some pancakes with maple syrup
Je voudrais des céréales (zhuh voo dray day say ray ahl) - I would like some cereal
Je voudrais de jus d'orange (zhuh voo dray deh zhooce door rahnzh) - I would like some orange juice
Je voudrais une tasse de café (zhuh voo dray oon tahce deh kah fay) - I would like a cup of coffee
Je voudrais une tartine grillée (zhuh voo dray oon tar teen gree yay) - I would like a piece of toast

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