Saturday, July 18, 2009

Quick Phrase of the Day - We Are Going To Our Favorite Restaurant...

Nous allons à notre restaurant favori ce soir (nooz ah lohn ah noh truh rehss toh rahnt fay vohr ee seh swah) -we are going to our favorite restaurant tonight.

Repeat this phrase al day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary word of the day:
patron/patronne (pah trohn) male boss/female boss
il est mon patron (eel ay mohn pah trohn) -he is my boss
elle est ma patronne (ell ay mah pah trohn) -she is my boss

Children's Word of the Day -Marshmellow

Kids, when you have some marshmellows say "guimauve"


  1. Bonjour Roy,

    Just to let you know:

    We are going to our favorite restaurant tonight = nous allons à notre restaurant favori ce soir.

    A bientôt,

  2. missed that, I shouldn't be doing these late at nite:) thanks


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