Jean Maurice Eugène Clément Cocteau
Trailer for "Beauty & The Beast"
(5 July 1889 – 11 October 1963) was a French poète, novelist, surrealist, dramatist, designer, boxing manager, playwright and réalisateur.
Cocteau's films, most of which he both wrote and directed, were particularly important in introducing Surrealism into French cinéma and influenced to a certain degree the upcoming French New Wave genre.Cocteau is best known for his 1929 play Les enfants terribles, the 1948 film Les parents terribles, and the films Beauty and the Beast, (1946) and Orpheus (1949).
poète (poh eht) -poet réalisateur (ray ahl ee sah toor) -filmmaker
important / importante (ahn pore tahnt) -important
cinéma (see nay mah) -cinema / movie house Les enfants (lay zahn fahnt) -the children
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