Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Don't Like The Color

La couleur ne me plait pas (lah koo lurr neh meh play pas) -I don't like the color

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary break down:

La couleur (lah koo lurr) -the color
ne me plait pas (neh meh play pas) - translates to "doesn't give me pleasure"

Children's Phrase of the Day -You Are Very Small

Monday, April 28, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - Why Are You So Late?

Pourquoi êtes-vous revenue si tard (pohr kwah eht voo reh veh noo see tahr) -Why are you so late?

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary breakdown:
Pourquoi (pohr kwah) -why
êtes-vous (eht voo) -are you
revenue (reh veh noo) returning
si (see) -so
tard (tahr) -late

Children's Phrase of the Day - I Am Going To The Toy Store

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - Is She Married?

Est-ce qu'elle est mariée? (ess kell mah ree ay) - Is she married?

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

I Have Lost...

J'ai perdu... (zhay purr doo) -I lost, I have lost...

mon portefeuille (mohn pohrt foo ee) -my wallet
ma clé (mah klay) -my key
ma montre (mah mohn truh) -my watch
mon argent (mohn ahr zhahn) -my money
ma bague (mah bahg) -my ring
mon sac à main (mohn sahk ah mahn) -my purse
mon passeport mohn pahce pohr) -my passport
mes billets (may bee yay) -my tickets

Children's Phrase of the Day -You Are Annoying

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Have...

J'ai... (zhay) -"I have..."

les clés (lay klay) -the keys
l'argent (lahr zhan) -the money
la carte (lah karht) -the map
le passeports (lay pahce pohrt) -the passorts
les ciseaux (lay see zoh) -the scissors

If you wanted to say "I don't have..." you would say
Je n'ai pas... (zhuh nay pah)

I Have Lost...

J'ai perdu... (zhay purr doo) -I lost, I have lost...

mon portefeuille (mohn pohrt foo ee) -my wallet
ma clé (mah klay) -my key
ma montre (mah mohn truh) -my watch
mon argent (mohn ahr zhahn) -my money
ma bague (mah bahg) -my ring
mon sac à main (mohn sahk ah mahn) -my purse
mon passeport mohn pahce pohr) -my passport
mes billets (may bee yay) -my tickets

Children's Phrase of the Day - I Am Writing With A ...

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - Come With Us

Viens avec nous (vee ehn ah vehk noo) -Come with us

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary breakdown:
Viens (vee ehn) -come, you come
avec (ah vehk) -with
nous (noo) us, we

Children's Phrase of the Day - I Am Writing A Letter To My Grandmother

Monday, April 21, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day -Is It Far?

When asking directions, you may have have to ask:

C'est loin? (say loh wahn) -Is it far?
Ce n'est pas loin (seh nay pah loh wahn) -It is not far

Repeat these phrases all day long till you know it by heart.

Children's Phrase of the Day - I Don't Like To Fight

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - I'll Pay For Everything Together

Je paie le tout (zhuh pay leh too) – I'll pay for everything together.

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

I Would Like To Rent A...

The phrase for "I would like to rent..." is:

Je voudrais louer ...

Je voudrais louer une voiture (zhuh voo dray loo ay oon vwah chure) -I would like to rent a car
Je voudrais louer un bateau (zhuh voo dray loo ay uhn bah toh) -I would like to rent a boat
Je voudrais louer un bateau à voile (zhuh voo dray loo ay uhn bah toh ah vwahl) -I would like to rent a sailboat
Je voudrais louer une bicyclette (zhuh voo dray loo ay oon bee see kleht) -I would like to rent a bicycle
Je voudrais louer une moto (zhuh voo dray loo ay oon moh toh) -I would like to rent a motorcycle
Je voudrais louer une petite maison (zhuh voo dray loo ay oon peh teet may zohn) I would like to rent a small house

Children's Phrase of the Day -Let's Stay Here Awhile

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Would Like A Cold Drink

Je voudrais une boisson glacée (zhuh voodray oon bwah sohn glah say) -I would like a cold drink (drink with ice)

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

I Would Like To Rent A...

The phrase for "I would like to rent..." is:

Je voudrais louer ...

Je voudrais louer une voiture (zhuh voo dray loo ay oon vwah chure) -I would like to rent a car
Je voudrais louer un bateau (zhuh voo dray loo ay uhn bah toh) -I would like to rent a boat
Je voudrais louer un bateau à voile (zhuh voo dray loo ay uhn bah toh ah vwahl) -I would like to rent a sailboat
Je voudrais louer une bicyclette (zhuh voo dray loo ay oon bee see kleht) -I would like to rent a bicycle
Je voudrais louer une moto (zhuh voo dray loo ay oon moh toh) -I would like to rent a motorcycle
Je voudrais louer une petite maison (zhuh voo dray loo ay oon peh teet may zohn) I would like to rent a small house

Children's Phrase of the Day - You Are Very Smart

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Am Happy To See You

Je suis contente de vous voir (zhuh sweez kahn tahnt deh voo vwah) -I am happy to see you.

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary breakdown:
Je (zhuh) -I
suis (swee) -am
contente (kahn tahnt) -happy
de vous voir (deh voo vwah) -to see you

Children's Phrase of the Day -I Don't Have Any

Monday, April 14, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Am Trying To Learn French

J'essaie d'apprendre le français (zheh say dah prahn druh leh frahn say) -I am trying to learn French

Repeat theis phrase all day long till you know it by heart. 

Off Off Off

Le lundi est mon jour de congé (leh luhn dee ay mohn zhoor deh kohn zhay) -Monday is my day off.
Je serai absent la semaine prochaine (zhuh seh ray ahb sahn lah seh mahn proh shayn) -I will be off next week.
Je prends une semaine de congé (zhuh prahnd oon seh mahn deh kohn zhay.
C'est parti (say pahr tee) -Off we go!
Interdit de marcher sur la pelouse (ahn tehr dee deh mahr shay surr lah peh looz) -Keep off the grass!
Pas touche! (pah toosh) -Keep your hands off!

Children's Phrase of the Day - Come Here

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - You Are Right/Wrong

Vous avez raison (vooze ah vay ray zohn) - You are right
Vous avez tort (vooze ah vay tore) - You are wrong

Repeat these phrases & write them down all day long till you know it by heart.

Neither, Nor

To say "neither", "nor" you add "ne" (neh) before the verb, & "ni" (nee) after the verb.

Elle n'est ni au travail, ni chez elle (ell nay nee oh tah vye nee shayz ell) - She's neither at work, nor at home
Je n'ai ni le nom, ni l'addresse (zhuh nay nee leh nahm nee lah dress) -I have neither the name, nor the address.
Je ne suis ni allé à la banque, ni le supermarché (zhuh ne swee nee ah lay ah lah bahnk nee leh soo pehr mahr shay) -I didn't go to the bank, nor the supermarket
nous n'avons ni un répondeur, ni une messagerie vocale (noo nah vahn nee uhn ray pahn durr nee oon meh sahz urr ee voh kahl) -We have neither an answering machine, nor voice mail
son amie n'a ni le nom, ni l'addresse de la galerie (sohn ah mee nah nee leh nahm nee lah dress deh lah gah leh ree) -her friend had neither the name, nor the address of the gallery

Children's Phrase of the Day - Are We Late?

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Will Be At The Hotel During The Day

Je serai à l'hotel pendant la journée (zhuh soor ay ah loh tell pahn dahn lah zhoor nay) -I will be at the hotel during the day

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Neither, Nor

To say "neither", "nor" you add "ne" (neh) before the verb, & "ni" (nee) after the verb.

Elle n'est ni au travail, ni chez elle (ell nay nee oh tah vye nee shayz ell) - She's neither at work, nor at home
Je n'ai ni le nom, ni l'addresse (zhuh nay nee leh nahm nee lah dress) -I have neither the name, nor the address.
Je ne suis ni allé à la banque, ni le supermarché (zhuh ne swee nee ah lay ah lah bahnk nee leh soo pehr mahr shay) -I didn't go to the bank, nor the supermarket
nous n'avons ni un répondeur, ni une messagerie vocale (noo nah vahn nee uhn ray pahn durr nee oon meh sahz urr ee voh kahl) -We have neither an answering machine, nor voice mail
son amie n'a ni le nom, ni l'addresse de la galerie (sohn ah mee nah nee leh nahm nee lah dress deh lah gah leh ree) -her friend had neither the name, nor the address of the gallery

Children's Phrase of the Day -How Horrible

Friday, April 11, 2014

Quick Phrases of the Day - I Think We Need To Go On

Je pense que nous avons besoin de continuer (zhuh pahnce keh nooze ah vahn beh swahn deh kahn tin yoo ay) - I think that we need to go on.

Repeat this phrase al day long till you know it by heart.

Children's Phrase of the Day -Give Me A hug

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day -I Had A Wonderful Stay

If someone asks you if you had a good time at their hotel or residence you can say:

j'ai passe un bon séjour (zhay pahss uhn bohn say zhoor) -I had a wonderful stay.

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Children's Phrase of the Day - I Am Going To Play In The Bedroom

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - Wipe The Table, It's Dirty

essuie la table, elle est sale (ehss ooh ee lah tah bluh, ell ay sahl) -wipe the table, it's dirty

repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Don't Like The Color

Je n'aime pas la couleur (zhuh nehm pah lah koo lurr) -I don't like the color

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - Hold The Elevator

Pourriez-vous me retenir l'ascenceur (poor ee yay voo me reh teh neer lah sehn shoor) - Hold the elevator

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Where I Went Yesterday

Hier, je suis allé à la plage (zhuh sweez ah lay ah lah plahzh) -Yesterday I went to the beach.
Hier, je suis allé au  cinéma ((zhuh sweez ah lay oh sin ay mah) -Yesterday I went to the movies
Hier, je suis allé à l'école ((zhuh sweez ah lay ah lay kohl) -Yesterday I went to school.
Hier, je suis allé à la maison de mes parents ((zhuh sweez ah lay ah lah may zhohn deh may pah rahnt) -Yesterday I went to my parents house.
Hier, je suis allé à l'église ((zhuh sweez ah lay ah lah ah lay gleez) -Yesterday I went to church.

If you want to say I didn't go to... just change each phrase to "Je ne suis pas allé..."

Children's Phrase of the Day - I Lost My Book

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Quick Phrase of the Day - We Need Some Information

Nous avons besoin de plusieurs renseignements (nooz ah vohn beh swahn deh ploo zhoor rehn sehn eh mahn) -We need some information.

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Want To Send An Email

Je veux envoyer un email (zhuh voo ahn vwah yay uhn ee mail) -I want to send an Email.

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Where I Went Yesterday

Hier, je suis allé à la plage (zhuh sweez ah lay ah lah plahzh) -Yesterday I went to the beach.
Hier, je suis allé au  cinéma ((zhuh sweez ah lay oh sin ay mah) -Yesterday I went to the movies
Hier, je suis allé à l'école ((zhuh sweez ah lay ah lay kohl) -Yesterday I went to school.
Hier, je suis allé à la maison de mes parents ((zhuh sweez ah lay ah lah may zhohn deh may pah rahnt) -Yesterday I went to my parents house.
Hier, je suis allé à l'église ((zhuh sweez ah lay ah lah ah lay gleez) -Yesterday I went to church.

If you want to say I didn't go to... just change each phrase to "Je ne suis pas allé..."

Children's Phrase of the Day - What Would You Do?

Friday, April 4, 2014