Monday, April 27, 2015

Sunday, April 26, 2015


Je suis en retard (zhuh sweez ahn reh tar) -I am late
tu es en retard (too ess ahn reh tar) -You are late (speaking to a friend or family member)
il est en retard (eel eht ahn reh tar) -He is late
elle est en retard (ell eht ahn reh tar) -She is late
nous sommes en retard (noo somz ahn reh tard) -We are late
vous êtes en retard (vooz eht ahn reh tar) -You are late (speaking to someone you don't know well)

ils sont en retard (eel sohnt ahn reh tar) They are late (speaking of an all male or a mixed male & female group)
elles sont en retard (ell sohnt ahn reh tar) -They are late (speaking of an all female group)

Quick Phrase of the Day - Lock The Door Behind You

Ferme la porte à clé en partant (fehrm lah port ah klay ahn pahr tahn) -Lock the door behind you.
Repeat all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Evidence

Saturday, April 25, 2015


Je suis en retard (zhuh sweez ahn reh tar) -I am late
tu es en retard (too ess ahn reh tar) -You are late (speaking to a friend or family member)
il est en retard (eel eht ahn reh tar) -He is late
elle est en retard (ell eht ahn reh tar) -She is late
nous sommes en retard (noo somz ahn reh tard) -We are late
vous êtes en retard (vooz eht ahn reh tar) -You are late (speaking to someone you don't know well)

ils sont en retard (eel sohnt ahn reh tar) They are late (speaking of an all male or a mixed male & female group)
elles sont en retard (ell sohnt ahn reh tar) -They are late (speaking of an all female group)

Quick Phrase of the Day - We Need Directions To...

Nous avons besoin de directions pour (nooze ah vohn beh swan deh dee rehk shee yohn) -We need directions to...

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Dancer

Children's Phrase of the Day -Which Way

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Appreciate It A Lot!

Je l'apprécie beaucoup! (zhuh lah pray see boh koo) -I appreciate it a lot!

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Doorknob

Off Off Off

Le lundi est mon jour de congé (leh luhn dee ay mohn zhoor deh kohn zhay) -Monday is my day off.
Je serai absent la semaine prochaine (zhuh seh ray ahb sahn lah seh mahn proh shayn) -I will be off next week.
Je prends une semaine de congé (zhuh prahnd oon seh mahn deh kohn zhay.
C'est parti (say pahr tee) -Off we go!
Interdit de marcher sur la pelouse (ahn tehr dee deh mahr shay surr lah peh looz) -Keep off the grass!
Pas touche! (pah toosh) -Keep your hands off!

Children's Phrase of the Day - I Have Another Queston

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Quick Phrase of the Day - You're New Here Aren't You?

Vous êtes nouveau ici, n’est-ce pas (vooz eht noo voh ee see ness pah) -You're new here, aren't you?

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Courthouse

Money Matters

Je n'ai pas assez d'argent pour ça (zhuh nay pahz ah say dahr zhahn pohr sah) -I don't have enough money for that.
Avez-vous assez d'argent? (ah vay voo ah say dahr zhan) -Do you have enough money?
Avez-voo de l'argent? (ah vay voo deh lahr zhahn) -Do you have any money?
Je n'ai pas de l'argent (zhuh nay pah deh lahr zhahn) -I don't have any money.
J'ai de l'argent (zhay deh lahr zhahn) -I have some money.
J'ai vingt euros (zhay vahnt urr oh) -I have 20 Euros.

Children's Phrase of the Day - You Are Lucky

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Quick Phrase of the Day - How many People Were There?

Combien de personnes étaient là-bas? (kohm bee ehn pehr sohnz ay tay lah bah) -How many people were there?

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart. 

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Airline Ticket

Money Matters

Je n'ai pas assez d'argent pour ça (zhuh nay pahz ah say dahr zhahn pohr sah) -I don't have enough money for that.
Avez-vous assez d'argent? (ah vay voo ah say dahr zhan) -Do you have enough money?
Avez-voo de l'argent? (ah vay voo deh lahr zhahn) -Do you have any money?
Je n'ai pas de l'argent (zhuh nay pah deh lahr zhahn) -I don't have any money.
J'ai de l'argent (zhay deh lahr zhahn) -I have some money.
J'ai vingt euros (zhay vahnt urr oh) -I have 20 Euros.

Children's Phrase of the Day -I Would Like Some Chocolate Milk

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Quick Phrase of the Day - There Is A Traffic Jam

il y a un bouchon (eel ee ah uhn boo shan) There is a traffic jam.

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

un bouchon can have many meanings it can mean:
a plug
an obstruction
a stopper
a cork
a tampon

bouchon à vis (boo shahn ah vee) -screw cap
bouchon d'objectif (boo shahn dohb jehk teef) -lens cover
bouchon de bouteille (boo shahn deh boo tay) -bottle cap
bouchon de radiateur (boo shahn deh rah dee ah toor) -radiator cap
tire bouchon (teer boo shahn) -cork screw

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Drummer

Children's Phrase of the Day - I Don't Want to Fight

Monday, April 6, 2015

Quick Phrase of the Day - Did You Put It On The Table?

Tu l'as mis sur la table? (too lah mee surr lah tah bluh) -Did you put it on the table?

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know.

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Sleeve

Money Matters

Je n'ai pas assez d'argent pour ça (zhuh nay pahz ah say dahr zhahn pohr sah) -I don't have enough money for that.
Avez-vous assez d'argent? (ah vay voo ah say dahr zhan) -Do you have enough money?
Avez-voo de l'argent? (ah vay voo deh lahr zhahn) -Do you have any money?
Je n'ai pas de l'argent (zhuh nay pah deh lahr zhahn) -I don't have any money.
J'ai de l'argent (zhay deh lahr zhahn) -I have some money.
J'ai vingt euros (zhay vahnt urr oh) -I have 20 Euros.

Children's Phrase of the Day - Do You Have A Pen?

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Quick Phrase of the Day - Are You Back In Paris?

Tu es revenu à Paris (too ah reh veh noo ah pah ree) -Are you back in Paris? (literally: You have returned to Paris?)

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Helmet


Some expressions for saying goodbye: 
Passez une bonne jornée (pass ay oon bohn zhor nay) -Have a nice day 
Passez un bon week-end (pass uhn bohn week ehn) -Have a good weekend 
Passez une bonne semaine (pass ay oon bohn she mahn) -Have a good week 
Je vous souhaite une bonne journée (zhuh voo soo ate oon bohn zhoor nay) -I wish you a good day
When you are not going to see someone for a while with no definate date to meet again you would say: 
au revoir (ohr vwah) - goodbye
If you are going to see someone again at a specific time, you would say: 
À tout à l'heure (ah toot ah lure) -See you later
If you were going to see someone soon, but at an unspecific time, you would say: 
À bientôt (ah bee yehn toh) -See you soon

Children's Phrase of the Day -Who Are You Waiting For?

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Received A Letter From...

J'ai reçu une lettre de... (zhay reh soo oon leh truh deh) -I received a letter from...
Repeat this phrase all day long til you know it by heart

J'ai reçu une lettre de...

ma mère (mah mehr) -my mother
mes enfants (mayz ahn fahnt) -my children
mon ami (mohn ah mee) -my friend
mon avocat (mohn ah voh kah) -my lawyer

Vocabulary Word of the Day - Computer