Saturday, February 28, 2015

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Made A Mistake

 J'ai fait une bêtise (zhay feht oon beh teez) -I made a mistake.

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Coffee


À quoi penses-tu? (ah kwah pahnce too) -What are you thinking about?

Je pense à ma mère (zhuh pahnce ah mah mehr) -I'm thinking about my mother
Penses-tu à ta voiture? (pahnce to ah tah vwah churr) -Are you thinking about your car?
il pense à sa vacance (eel pahnce ah sah vah kance) -He is thinking about his vacation
Nous pensons  à la fête ced soir (noo pahn sohn ah lah feht seh swah) _We are thinking about the party tonight
Je pense qu’il est prêt (zhuh pahnce keel ay preht) -I think that he is ready

Children's Phrase of the Day -You Are Soaked

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Quick Phrase of the Day - Are You Open On Saturdays

Est-ce que vous êtes ouvert le samedi? (ess keh vooz eht oo vehr leh sah meh dee) -Are you open on Saturdays?

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Shower

Who or What

De qui parlez-vous? (deh kee pahr lay voo) -Who are you talking about?
Que dites-vous? (keh deet voo) -What did you say? What are you saying?
Qu'est-ce que vous manger? (kess kuh voo mahn zhay) -What are you eating?
A qui parlez-vous? (ah kee pahr lay voo) -Who are you talking to?
Qui parle? (kee pahrl) -Who is speaking?

Children's Phrase of the Day - I Want To Sing A Song

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Am Making Some Progress

Je fais des progrès (zhuh fay day proh greh) -I am making some progress
Je ne fais pas des progrès (zhuh neh fay pah day proh greh) -I am not making any progress

Repeat these phrases all day long till you know them by heart.

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Gunshot

Who or What

De qui parlez-vous? (deh kee pahr lay voo) -Who are you talking about?
Que dites-vous? (keh deet voo) -What did you say? What are you saying?
Qu'est-ce que vous manger? (kess kuh voo mahn zhay) -What are you eating?
A qui parlez-vous? (ah kee pahr lay voo) -Who are you talking to?
Qui parle? (kee pahrl) -Who is speaking?

Children's Phrase of the Day - My Name Is...

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Like To Listen To Jazz

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Eyes

Musical Instruments

Des instruments de musique (dayz een stroo mahn deh myoo zeek) -Musical Instruments
Quel instrument jouez-vous? (kell een stroo mahn zhoo ay voo) -What instrument do you play?
Je joue du piano (zhuh zhoo doo pee ah noh) -I play the piano
Je joue de la guitare (zhuh zhoo deh lah gee tahr) -I play the guitar
Je joue de la batterie (zhuh zhoo deh lah bah teh ree) -I play the drums

Je joue du violon (zhuh zhoo doo vee oh lahn) -I play the violin

Children's Phrase of the Day -Good Night

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Tree Branch

Musical Instruments

Des instruments de musique (dayz een stroo mahn deh myoo zeek) -Musical Instruments
Quel instrument jouez-vous? (kell een stroo mahn zhoo ay voo) -What instrument do you play?
Je joue du piano (zhuh zhoo doo pee ah noh) -I play the piano
Je joue de la guitare (zhuh zhoo deh lah gee tahr) -I play the guitar
Je joue de la batterie (zhuh zhoo deh lah bah teh ree) -I play the drums

Je joue du violon (zhuh zhoo doo vee oh lahn) -I play the violin

Children's Phrase of the Day - Do You Need Anything?

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Quick Phrase of the Day - Is Your Dog Friendly?

Votre chien, il est gentil? (voh truh shee ehn eel ay zhahn tee) -Is your dog friendly?

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary Word of the Day -Piece of Paper

I Think I've Broken My...

Je crois que je me suis cassé... (zhuh kwah kuh zhuh meh swee kah say) I think I've broken my...

mon bras (mohn brah) -my arm
ma jambe (mah zhahmb) -my leg
mon doight (mohn dwaht) -my finger
ma main (mah mahn) -my hand
mon pied (mohn pee eh) -my foot

Children's Phrase of the Day - Not Yet

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Quick Phrase of the Day - What Do I Care?

Mais qu’est-ce que je m’embête (may kess keh zhuh mehm beht) -What do I care?

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Easy Vocabulary Word of the Day -Piano

I Think I've Broken My...

Je crois que je me suis cassé... (zhuh kwah kuh zhuh meh swee kah say) I think I've broken my...

mon bras (mohn brah) -my arm
ma jambe (mah zhahmb) -my leg
mon doight (mohn dwaht) -my finger
ma main (mah mahn) -my hand
mon pied (mohn pee eh) -my foot

Children's Phrase of the Day - How Rude!