Sunday, July 31, 2011

Numbers for the Week 600-1000

six cents (sahnt) -600
sept cents (seht sahnt) -700
huit cents (weet sahnt) -800
neuf cents (noof sahnt) -900
mille (meel) -1000

When your saying in the hundreds it would be cent(s) plus the numbers we learned before:
six cent vingt-trois (seece sahn vahnt twah) -623
neuf cent quatre-vingt sept (noof sahnt kah truh vahnt seht) 987

The French for '(a) hundred' is cent. Multiples of a hundred go deux centstrois cents etc with an -s on cents. If the number is not an exact multiple of 100, then the number representing the last two digits follows cent, which loses its -s: 101 = cent un, 201 = deux cent un, 202 = deux cent deux etc. Notice that in French there is no word for 'and' between the hundreds and the tens/units, unlike in English, and that "a hundred" is just cent, not un cent.

Children's Word of the Day - Song

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Lesson #248 Leaving & Taking Messages

Vous pourriez demander à _______ de me rappeler plus tard? (voo pohr ee ay day mahn day ah ______ deh meh rah pah lay ploo tahr) -Could you ask _______ to call me later?
Je vous donne mes coordonnées (zhuh voo dohn may koh ohr dohn ay) -I'll give you my number.
Je peux lui faire une commission? (zuh poo loo ee fehr oon koh meesh ee ohn) -Can I leave a message for him/her?
Je lui dirai que c'est de la part de qui? (zhuh loo ee dee ray keh say deh lah pahr deh kee) -Who shall I say rang?
Vous voulez laisser un message? (voo voo lay lay say uhn meh sahz) -Would you like to leave a message?

Numbers for the Week 600-1000

six cents (sahnt) -600
sept cents (seht sahnt) -700
huit cents (weet sahnt) -800
neuf cents (noof sahnt) -900
mille (meel) -1000

When your saying in the hundreds it would be cent(s) plus the numbers we learned before:
six cent vingt-trois (seece sahn vahnt twah) -623
neuf cent quatre-vingt sept (noof sahnt kah truh vahnt seht) 987

The French for '(a) hundred' is cent. Multiples of a hundred go deux centstrois cents etc with an -s on cents. If the number is not an exact multiple of 100, then the number representing the last two digits follows cent, which loses its -s: 101 = cent un, 201 = deux cent un, 202 = deux cent deux etc. Notice that in French there is no word for 'and' between the hundreds and the tens/units, unlike in English, and that "a hundred" is just cent, not un cent.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Numbers for the Week 600-1000

six cents (sahnt) -600
sept cents (seht sahnt) -700
huit cents (weet sahnt) -800
neuf cents (noof sahnt) -900
mille (meel) -1000

When your saying in the hundreds it would be cent(s) plus the numbers we learned before:
six cent vingt-trois (seece sahn vahnt twah) -623
neuf cent quatre-vingt sept (noof sahnt kah truh vahnt seht) 987

The French for '(a) hundred' is cent. Multiples of a hundred go deux centstrois cents etc with an -s on cents. If the number is not an exact multiple of 100, then the number representing the last two digits follows cent, which loses its -s: 101 = cent un, 201 = deux cent un, 202 = deux cent deux etc. Notice that in French there is no word for 'and' between the hundreds and the tens/units, unlike in English, and that "a hundred" is just cent, not un cent.

Children's Word of the Day - The Moon

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Numbers for the Week 600-1000

six cents (sahnt) -600
sept cents (seht sahnt) -700
huit cents (weet sahnt) -800
neuf cents (noof sahnt) -900
mille (meel) -1000

When your saying in the hundreds it would be cent(s) plus the numbers we learned before:
six cent vingt-trois (seece sahn vahnt twah) -623
neuf cent quatre-vingt sept (noof sahnt kah truh vahnt seht) 987

The French for '(a) hundred' is cent. Multiples of a hundred go deux centstrois cents etc with an -s on cents. If the number is not an exact multiple of 100, then the number representing the last two digits follows cent, which loses its -s: 101 = cent un, 201 = deux cent un, 202 = deux cent deux etc. Notice that in French there is no word for 'and' between the hundreds and the tens/units, unlike in English, and that "a hundred" is just cent, not un cent.

Children's Word of the Day - Fireman

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Numbers for the Week 600-1000

six cents (sahnt) -600
sept cents (seht sahnt) -700
huit cents (weet sahnt) -800
neuf cents (noof sahnt) -900
mille (meel) -1000

When your saying in the hundreds it would be cent(s) plus the numbers we learned before:
six cent vingt-trois (seece sahn vahnt twah) -623
neuf cent quatre-vingt sept (noof sahnt kah truh vahnt seht) 987

The French for '(a) hundred' is cent. Multiples of a hundred go deux centstrois cents etc with an -s on cents. If the number is not an exact multiple of 100, then the number representing the last two digits follows cent, which loses its -s: 101 = cent un, 201 = deux cent un, 202 = deux cent deux etc. Notice that in French there is no word for 'and' between the hundreds and the tens/units, unlike in English, and that "a hundred" is just cent, not un cent.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Numbers for the Week 600-1000

six cents (sahnt) -600
sept cents (seht sahnt) -700
huit cents (weet sahnt) -800
neuf cents (noof sahnt) -900
mille (meel) -1000

When your saying in the hundreds it would be cent(s) plus the numbers we learned before:
six cent vingt-trois (seece sahn vahnt twah) -623
neuf cent quatre-vingt sept (noof sahnt kah truh vahnt seht) 987

The French for '(a) hundred' is cent. Multiples of a hundred go deux centstrois cents etc with an -s on cents. If the number is not an exact multiple of 100, then the number representing the last two digits follows cent, which loses its -s: 101 = cent un, 201 = deux cent un, 202 = deux cent deux etc. Notice that in French there is no word for 'and' between the hundreds and the tens/units, unlike in English, and that "a hundred" is just cent, not un cent.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lesson #247 Descriptions

C'est beau (say boh) -It's beautiful
Ce n'est pas beau (she nay pah boh) -It's not beautiful
C'est intéressant (say een tay ress ahn) -It's interesting
Ce n'est pas intéressant (she nay pahz een tay ress ahn) -It's not interesting
C'est dégoûtant (say day goo than) -It's digusting
C'est excellent (seht ehx ell ahn) -It's excellent
C'est parfait (say pahr fay) -It's perfect

Numbers for the Week 600-1000

six cents (sahn) -600
sept cents (seht sahnt) -700
huit cents (weet sahnt) -800
neuf cents (noof sahnt) -900
mille (meel) -1000

When your saying in the hundreds it would be cent(s) plus the numbers we learned before:
six cent vingt-trois (seece sahn vahnt twah) -623
neuf cent quatre-vingt sept (noof sahnt kah truh vahnt seht) 987

The French for '(a) hundred' is cent. Multiples of a hundred go deux centstrois cents etc with an -s on cents. If the number is not an exact multiple of 100, then the number representing the last two digits follows cent, which loses its -s: 101 = cent un, 201 = deux cent un, 202 = deux cent deux etc. Notice that in French there is no word for 'and' between the hundreds and the tens/units, unlike in English, and that "a hundred" is just cent, not un cent.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Numbers for the Week 100-500

cent (sahn) -100
deux cents (doo sahnt) -200
trois cents (twah sahnt) -300
quatre cents (kah truh sahnt) -400
cinq cents (sahnk sahnt) -500

When your saying in the hundreds it would be cent(s) plus the numbers we learned before:
cent un (sahnt uhn) -101
deux cent vingt-trois (doo sahn vahnt twah) -223
quatre cent quatre-vingt sept (kahtruh sahn kah truh vahnt seht) 487

The French for '(a) hundred' is cent. Multiples of a hundred go deux centstrois cents etc with an -s on cents. If the number is not an exact multiple of 100, then the number representing the last two digits follows cent, which loses its -s: 101 = cent un, 201 = deux cent un, 202 = deux cent deux etc. Notice that in French there is no word for 'and' between the hundreds and the tens/units, unlike in English, and that "a hundred" is just cent, not un cent.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Quick Phrase of the Day - I Tried To Call Your Parents Yesterday

J’ai essayé de téléphoner de vos parents hier (zhay eh say ay deh tay lay fohn ay deh voh pah rahnt eer) -I tried to call your parents yesterday.

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Vocabulary word of the day:
un tomate (uhn toh maht) -a tomato

Essential phrase for the week:
Je voudrais... (zhuh voo dray) -I would like...
Repeat this phrase all week long till you know it by heart.

Numbers for the Week 100-500

cent (sahn) -100
deux cents (doo sahnt) -200
trois cents (twah sahnt) -300
quatre cents (kah truh sahnt) -400
cinq cents (sahnk sahnt) -500

When your saying in the hundreds it would be cent(s) plus the numbers we learned before:
cent un (sahnt uhn) -101
deux cent vingt-trois (doo sahn vahnt twah) -223
quatre cent quatre-vingt sept (kahtruh sahn kah truh vahnt seht) 487

The French for '(a) hundred' is cent. Multiples of a hundred go deux centstrois cents etc with an -s on cents. If the number is not an exact multiple of 100, then the number representing the last two digits follows cent, which loses its -s: 101 = cent un, 201 = deux cent un, 202 = deux cent deux etc. Notice that in French there is no word for 'and' between the hundreds and the tens/units, unlike in English, and that "a hundred" is just cent, not un cent.

Children's Word of the Day - Toothbrush

Friday, July 22, 2011

Numbers for the Week 100-500

cent (sahn) -100
deux cents (doo sahnt) -200
trois cents (twah sahnt) -300
quatre cents (kah truh sahnt) -400
cinq cents (sahnk sahnt) -500

When your saying in the hundreds it would be cent(s) plus the numbers we learned before:
cent un (sahnt uhn) -101
deux cent vingt-trois (doo sahn vahnt twah) -223
quatre cent quatre-vingt sept (kahtruh sahn kah truh vahnt seht) 487

The French for '(a) hundred' is cent. Multiples of a hundred go deux centstrois cents etc with an -s on cents. If the number is not an exact multiple of 100, then the number representing the last two digits follows cent, which loses its -s: 101 = cent un, 201 = deux cent un, 202 = deux cent deux etc. Notice that in French there is no word for 'and' between the hundreds and the tens/units, unlike in English, and that "a hundred" is just cent, not un cent.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Numbers for the Week 100-500

cent (sahn) -100
deux cents (doo sahnt) -200
trois cents (twah sahnt) -300
quatre cents (kah truh sahnt) -400
cinq cents (sahnk sahnt) -500

When your saying in the hundreds it would be cent(s) plus the numbers we learned before:
cent un (sahnt uhn) -101
deux cent vingt-trois (doo sahn vahnt twah) -223
quatre cent quatre-vingt sept (kahtruh sahn kah truh vahnt seht) 487

The French for '(a) hundred' is cent. Multiples of a hundred go deux centstrois cents etc with an -s on cents. If the number is not an exact multiple of 100, then the number representing the last two digits follows cent, which loses its -s: 101 = cent un, 201 = deux cent un, 202 = deux cent deux etc. Notice that in French there is no word for 'and' between the hundreds and the tens/units, unlike in English, and that "a hundred" is just cent, not un cent.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Numbers for the Week 100-500

cent (sahn) -100
deux cents (doo sahnt) -200
trois cents (twah sahnt) -300
quatre cents (kah truh sahnt) -400
cinq cents (sahnk sahnt) -500

When your saying in the hundreds it would be cent(s) plus the numbers we learned before:
cent un (sahnt uhn) -101
deux cent vingt-trois (doo sahn vahnt twah) -223
quatre cent quatre-vingt sept (kahtruh sahn kah truh vahnt seht) 487

The French for '(a) hundred' is cent. Multiples of a hundred go deux centstrois cents etc with an -s on cents. If the number is not an exact multiple of 100, then the number representing the last two digits follows cent, which loses its -s: 101 = cent un, 201 = deux cent un, 202 = deux cent deux etc. Notice that in French there is no word for 'and' between the hundreds and the tens/units, unlike in English, and that "a hundred" is just cent, not un cent.

Children's Word of the Day -Ceiling

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Numbers for the Week 100-500

cent (sahn) -100
deux cents (doo sahnt) -200
trois cents (twah sahnt) -300
quatre cents (kah truh sahnt) -400
cinq cents (sahnk sahnt) -500

When your saying in the hundreds it would be cent(s) plus the numbers we learned before:
cent un (sahnt uhn) -101
deux cent vingt-trois (doo sahn vahnt twah) -223
quatre cent quatre-vingt sept (kahtruh sahn kah truh vahnt seht) 487

The French for '(a) hundred' is cent. Multiples of a hundred go deux centstrois cents etc with an -s on cents. If the number is not an exact multiple of 100, then the number representing the last two digits follows cent, which loses its -s: 101 = cent un, 201 = deux cent un, 202 = deux cent deux etc. Notice that in French there is no word for 'and' between the hundreds and the tens/units, unlike in English, and that "a hundred" is just cent, not un cent.