six cents (sahnt) -600
sept cents (seht sahnt) -700
huit cents (weet sahnt) -800
neuf cents (noof sahnt) -900
mille (meel) -1000
When your saying in the hundreds it would be cent(s) plus the numbers we learned before:
six cent vingt-trois (seece sahn vahnt twah) -623
neuf cent quatre-vingt sept (noof sahnt kah truh vahnt seht) 987
The French for '(a) hundred' is cent. Multiples of a hundred go deux cents, trois cents etc with an -s on cents. If the number is not an exact multiple of 100, then the number representing the last two digits follows cent, which loses its -s: 101 = cent un, 201 = deux cent un, 202 = deux cent deux etc. Notice that in French there is no word for 'and' between the hundreds and the tens/units, unlike in English, and that "a hundred" is just cent, not un cent.