Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lesson #226 -Paid For It

Je l'ai payé (zhuh lay pay ay) -I paid for it.
Tu l'as payé (too ah pay ay) -You paid for it. Did you pay for it? (when speaking to a friend or family member)
il l'a payé (eel ah pay ay) -He paid for it.
elle l'a payé (ell ah pay ay) -She paid for it.
Nous l'avons payé (noo lah vohn pay ay) -We paid for it.
Vous l'avez payé (voo lah vay pay ay) -You paid for it. (when speaking to someone you don't know well)
ils l'ont payé (eel lohn pay ay) -They paid for it. (when speaking of an all male or mixed male & female group)
elles l'ont payé (ell lohn pay ay) -They paid for it. (when speaking of an all female group)

You would use payé if the "it" was a male word (livre, billet, film). You would write payée if the "it" was
a female word (table, voiture, chambre)

This next lesson here is a review of an earlier one. It is a necessary phrase that is needed to know:

"Où est..." Where is?
(ooh ay)

Vocabulary words to use with this phrase:

le musée (leh mew zay) - the museum "Où est le musée?
le supermarché (leh sooper mar shay) - the supermarket "Où est le supermarché?"
la banque (lah bahnk) - the bank "Où est la banque?"
le bureau de poste (leh byur oh deh pohst) - the post office "Où est le bureau de poste?"

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