Sunday, October 7, 2012

My, Your, His, Her, Our, Their (part 3)

Okay we learned in the last 2 weeks the way to say My, Your, His, Her, Our, Their, with singular nouns both male & female. Today we are going to learn how to say them with plural nouns.

mes (may) my
tes (tay) your
ses (say) his/her
nos (noh) our
vos (voh) your
leurs (loor) their

mes livres (may lee vruh) -my books
tes tantes (tay tahnt) -your aunts
ses stylos (say stee loh) -his/her pens
nos voitures (noh vwah churr) -our cars
vos livres (voh lee vruh) -your books
leurs crayons (loor kray ohn) -their pencils

With plural nouns it doesn't matter if the word is male or female. You use the same mes, tes, ses, nos, vos, leurs with any gender word.

tes is used to only when addressing children, relatives, or close friends.

tes tantes (tay tahnt) -your aunts
tes cousins (tay koo zahn) -your cousins
tes enfants (tayz ahn fahnt) your children

vos is used with objects

vos stylos (voh stee loh) your pens
vos livres (voh lee vruh) -your books
vos voitures (voh vwah churr) -your cars

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