Monday, May 31, 2010
Lesson #165 Out & Outside
hors d'ici! (orr dee see) -Get out oh here!
c'est hors de question! (say orr deh kehs tee ohn) -It's out of the question!
Vous êtes hors de danger (vooz eht orr de dahn zhay) -You're safe, you're out of danger.
dehors (day orr) -outside
hors de prix (orr deh pree) -not affordable, out of price range
hors du... (orr doo) -outside of the (when referring to a male noun)
hors de la... (orr deh lah) -outside of (when reffering to a female noun)
Je te retrouver hors de la banque (zhuh teh ray troov orrs deh lah bahnk) -I will meet you outside of the bank.
Je te retrouver hors du restaurant (zhuh teh ray troov orr doo rehce stoh rahnt) -I will meet you outside of the restaurant.
Must See French Film -Rules Of The Game
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Jean Philippe Arthur Dubuffet -French Artist

Jean Philippe Arthur Dubuffet (July 31, 1901 - May 12, 1985) was one of the most
(seece mwah) -six months
(vahn) -wine
(lah feen) -the end
(ah vehk) -with
Saturday, May 22, 2010
5 Masterpieces Stolen In $123M Paris Museum Heist
PARIS – A broken alarm system made it as easy as 1-2-3: A masked intruder clipped a padlock, smashed a window and stole a Picasso, a Matisse and three other masterpieces from a Paris museum Thursday — a $123 million haul that is one of the world's biggest art heists.
Offloading the artwork may prove a tougher task, however, with Interpol and collectors worldwide now on high alert.
In what seemed like an art thief's fantasy, the alarm system had been broken since March in parts of the Paris Museum of Modern Art, according to the city's mayor, Bertrand Delanoe.
The museum, in a tony neighborhood across the Seine River from the Eiffel Tower, reopened in 2006 after spending $18 million (euro15 million) and two years upgrading its security system. Spare parts had been ordered to fix the alarm but had not yet arrived, the mayor said in a statement.
So with no alarm to worry about, a lone masked intruder entered the museum about 3:50 a.m., said Christophe Girard, deputy culture secretary at Paris City Hall. The thief cut a padlock on a gate, then broke a side window and climbed inside — his movements caught on one of the museum's functioning cameras, according to the Paris prosecutor's office.
The intruder later slipped back out, carrying the canvases and leaving behind empty frames. The whole thing took 15 minutes, a police official said.
Three security guards were on duty overnight, but "they saw nothing," Girard said. A night watchman discovered the theft around 7 a.m.
The stolen works included Picasso's "Le pigeon aux petits-pois", an ochre-toned Cubist oil painting worth an estimated $28 million (euro23 million), and "La Pastorale" (Pastoral), a pastel-hued oil painting of nudes on a hillside by Henri Matisse worth about $17.5 million (euro15 million), Girard said.
Also seized were "La femme a l'eventail" by Amedeo Modigliani, "L'olivier pres de l'Estaque" by Georges Braque and "Nature morte aux chandeliers" by Fernand Leger.
Estimates of the total value of the paintings varied: The prosecutor's office initially put their worth as high as $613 million (euro500 million) but later downgraded the figure to about $111 million (euro90 million). Girard said the total value was about $123 million (euro100 million).
Friday, May 21, 2010
Jules Verne -Famous French Author

Jules Gabriel Verne (February 8, 1828 – March 24, 1905) was a French author who pioneered the science-fiction genre. He is best known for his novels Journey to the Center of the Earth (written in 1864), From the Earth to the Moon (1865), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea(1869–1870), and Around the World in Eighty Days (1873). Verne wrote about space, air, and underwater travel before navigable aircraft and practical submarines were invented, and before any means of space travel had been devised. Consequently he is often referred to as the "Father of science fiction", along with H. G. Wells. Verne is the second most translated author of all time, only behind Agatha Christie with 4162 translations, according to Index Translationum. Some of his work has been made into films.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Biking In Paris

If you do want to bike, the city has free bikes you can use for 30 minutes or less, which I'm told is enough time to move around the city with. They have computerized stations to rent them from. Over 30 minutes & you are then charged an increasing rate per hour. The bikes I'm told are obviously not going to be great ones. The other problem is that if you get to station to drop it off, & it is full, you will be directed to another station. So If you want to rent a bike, the Bike stores are a better choice, where you can rent a bike for 10-20 Euros a day.
une bicyclette (oon bee see kleht) -a bicycle
un velo (uhn vay loh) -a bike
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Venus De Milo
Must See French Film -8 Femmes

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Male & Female Words
Friday, May 14, 2010
Lesson #161 -Car Parts
le pare brise (leh pahr breez) -windshield
le capot (leh kah poh) -the hood
la batterie (lah bah tree) -battery
le radiateur (leh rah dee ah turr) -radiator
les phares (lay phahr) -headlights
le frein (leh frayn) -the brake pedal
le volant (leh voh lahn) -the steering wheel
les essuie-glaces (layz eh swee glahce) the windshield wipers
The Tarot of Marseilles
The Tarot of Marseilles (or Tarot of Marseille), also widely known by the French designation Tarot de Marseille, is one of the standard patterns for the design of tarot cards. It is a pattern from which many subsequent tarot decks derive. The Tarot deck was probably invented in northern Italy in the fifteenth century. It is ascertained that tarot cards were introduced into southern France from northern Italy when the French conquered Milan and thePiedmont in 1499. The name Tarot de Marseille was popularized in the 1930s by the French cartomancer Paul Marteau, who used this collective name to refer to a variety of closely related designs that were being made in the city of Marseille in the south of France, a city that was a centre of playing card manufacture, and were (in earlier, contemporaneous, and later times) also made in other cities in France. The Tarot de Marseille is one of the standards from which many tarot decks of the nineteenth century and later are derived.
The Papess Controversy

The Papess card has sparked controversy because of its portrayal of a female pope. There is no solid historical evidence of a female pope but this card may be based around the mythical Pope Joan, who is sometimes viewed as the Antichrist. Many variants have been used to avoid such controversy, including Juno, The Spanish Captain and The High Priestess.
Jeu de Tarot
The French game of Tarot, also jeu de Tarot, is a trick-taking card game enjoyed throughout France and also known in French-speaking Canada, which uses a traditional 78-card Tarot deck instead of the internationally-known 52-card poker deck. Tarot is the second-most popular card game in France after Belote. The Fédération Française de Tarot publishes official rules for Tarot.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Yelle -French Singer
Five years ago, she met GrandMarnier at a marshmallow party. This young musician and producer, was going back and forth between his own band and his student room where he was making beats on his computer. Although his teens were all about Rock music, he was drawn to electronic music after listening to the Beastie Boys and started mucking around with his machines. Yelle started singing on GrandMarnier’s demos just for a laugh at first, but the combination of the boy’s electronic loops and the girl’s half-sung half-rapped voice worked so well that they naturally ended up producing an electro pop album all in French.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Lesson #160 -Busy Busy Busy
occupé(e) (ahk koo pay) -busy
note: when writing it's 2 "ee"s for a female or female group.
Je suis occupé (zhuh sweez ahk koo pay) -I am busy
Je suis très occupé (zhuh swee trehz ahk koo pay) -I am very busy
Je ne suis pas occupé (zhuh neh sweez pah ahk koo pay) -I am not busy
Je ne suis pas très occupé (zhuh neh swee pah treh ahk koo pay) -I am not very busy
Êtes-vous occupé? (eht vooz ahk koo pay) -Are you busy?
Êtes-vous très occupé? (eht voo trehz ahk koo pay) -Are you very busy?
Est-il occupé? (ay-il ahk koo pay) -Is he busy?
Est-elle occupée? (ay-tell ahk koo pay) -Is she busy
Nous sommes occupé (noo sohmz ahk koo pay) -We are not busy
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Paul Cézanne -French Artist
Paul Cézanne 19 January 1839 – 22 October
1906) was a French artisite and Post-Impressionist paintre whose work laid the foundations of the transition from the 19th century conception of artistic endeavour to a nouveau and radically different monde of art in the 20th century. Cézanne can be said to form le pont between late 19th century Impressionism and the early 20th century's new line of artistic enquiry, Cubism.
The line attributed to both Matisse and Picasso that Cézanne "is the father of us all" cannot be easily dismissed.
Cézanne's work demonstrates a mastery of design, colour, composition and draftsmanship. His often repetitive, sensitive and exploratory brushstrokes
are highly characteristic and clearly recognizable. He used planes of colour and small brushstrokes that build up to form complex fields, at once both a direct expression of the sensations of the observing eye and an abstraction from observed nature. Les peintures convey Cézanne's intense study of his subjects, a searching gaze and a dogged struggle to deal with the complexity of human visual perception.
artiste (ahr teest) -artist
peintre (pehn truh) -painter
nouveau (noo voh) -new
monde (mahnd) -world
le pont (leh pahn)
les peintures (lay pehn chure) -the paintings
Friday, May 7, 2010
Must See French Film -My Wife Is An Actress
My Wife is an Actress (Orig. Ma Femme est une actrice) is a French Romantic Comedy/Drama film starring real life couple Yvan Attal and Charlotte Gainsbourg. Attal plays a journalist who becomes obsessively jealous when his actress wife gets a part in a movie with an attractive co-star. Attal also wrote and directed the film. The film stars Terence Stamp among others.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Lesson #159 -Thinking, Supposing, Hoping...
Je crois que non (zhuh kwah heh noh) I don't think so
Je suis d'accord (zhuh swee dah kohr) -I agree
Je ne suis pas d'accord (zhuh nehswee pah dah kohr) -I don't agree
Je l’espère (zhuh leh spehr) -I hope so
J'espère que non (jeh spehr keh noh) -I hope not
Je le suppose (zhuh leh sah pohz) -I suppose so
Je suppose que non (zhuh sah pohz kuh noh) -I don't suppose so, I suppose not
Marcel Pagnol - French Novelist

At the age of 15, he wrote his first play and, after winning a prestigious scholarship to the Lycee, eventually followed in the footsteps of his père to become an English teacher for secondary schools. However, he stopped teaching when he went to Paris, instead devoting his life to playwriting. His first adult play, Merchants of Glory, was produced in 1924. In 1929 he wrote Marius for the Paris Theatre. Marius would also be later turned into a film in 1931, Pagnol's first film.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Zazie -French Singer
Zazie's father was an architect and her mother, a music teacher.
Her songs range from upbeat rock or pop songs to languid down tempo tunes and are characterised by the wit of their lyrics based on puns, alliterations, homophonies and double entendres.
Zazie Rue de La Paix
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Better be careful...
Anyway... on the back cover I was reading the description & I got to the line "L'homme est mort dans une chambre de passe à Bangkok". Well l'homme est mort dans une I knew to be "The man died in a". "à Bangkok" is also obviously "in Bangkok"
Now the "une chambre de passe" I couldn't get. I knew "chambre" is "room". But the whole phrase I didn't understand. So I check it with a couple of online translators and it came out as "password room". This didn't make sense, but since this is a mystery novel, I figured that it might mean "a secret room".
But... one of my French friends noooooo. As he delicately put it, it means "a place where harlots live by selling the charms"
So be careful if someone ask you if you want to go to "une chambre de passe". It is not a secret room.
Le Ventre de Paris -French Novel

Le Ventre de Paris (1873) is the third novel in Émile Zola's twenty-volume series Les Rougon-Macquart. It is set in and around Les Halles, the enormous, busy central marketplace of 19th CenturyParis. Le Ventre de Paris (translated into English under many variant titles, but literally meaning The Belly of Paris) is Zola's first novel centered entirely on the working classes.
The plot is centred around the escaped political prisoner Florent and the effect he has on Lisa Quenu (formerly Macquart) and her family, with whom he finds refuge. Although Zola had yet to hone his sense for working-class speech and idioms displayed to such good effect in L'Assommoir, the novel still conveys a powerful atmosphere both of life in the great market halls and of working class suffering in general. There are several excellent descriptive passages, the most famous of which, his description of the olfactory sensations experienced upon entering a cheese shop, has become known as the "Cheese Symphony" due to its ingenious orchestral metaphors. Throughout the book, the painter Claude Lantier - himself a relative of the Macquarts and later the central character in Zola's novelL'Œuvre (1886) - shows up to provide a semi-authorial commentary, effectively playing the role of chorus. It is an interesting and often powerful work, though not usually considered as being on a par with the novelist's greater achievements later in the Rougon-Macquart cycle.