Chasing Cézanne by Peter Mayle (author of "A Year In
Photographer Andre Kelly is on assignment in the South of France when he decides to spend son jour libre in Cap Ferrat visiting some former clients, the Denoyers. As he arrives, he witnesses Claude, the Denoyers' hired man, loading a precious Cezanne into the back of a beat-up plumber's van. Deciding that quelque chose is amiss, Andre photographs the event and thus becomes involved in a wild escapade to track down la peinture. When he explains the situation to Lucy, his agent and soon-to-be love interest, they decide that they need some expert help and call in Cyrus, a wealthy art dealer, qui smells a scam. Add in a scoundrelly art dealer and his daffy lover, an art forger, and a former French Legionnaire, and the trail to the lost Cezanne becomes a comedy of errors. Along the way, there are vibrant descriptions of Paris, Provence, Cap Ferrat, and of course mouth-watering French meals and vin. Part travelog and part art mystère caper, this new tale from Mayle, the author who put Provence sur la carte, is a thoroughly enjoyable romp through the international art world. Recommended for all fiction collections.
son jour libre (sohn zhoor lee bruh) -his free day quelque chose (kell kuh shoze) -something
la peinture (lah pehn chure) -the painting qui (kee) -who vin (van) -wine
mystère (miss stehr) -mystery
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