Sunday, February 24, 2013

Off Off Off

Le lundi est mon jour de congé (leh luhn dee ay mohn zhoor deh kohn zhay) -Monday is my day off.
Je serai absent la semaine prochaine (zhuh seh ray ahb sahn lah seh mahn proh shayn) -I will be off next week.
Je prends une semaine de congé (zhuh prahnd oon seh mahn deh kohn zhay.
C'est parti (say pahr tee) -Off we go!
Interdit de marcher sur la pelouse (ahn tehr dee deh mahr shay surr lah peh looz) -Keep off the grass!
Pas touche! (pah toosh) -Keep your hands off!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Nasty Weather

Quel sale temps (kell sale tahmp) -It's nasty weather
Prenez votre imperméable (preh nay voh truh ahm pehr me ah bluh) -Take your raincoat
Vous allez attraper un rhume (vooz ah lay ah trah pay uhn room) -You are going to catch a cold
il pleut à verse! (eel ploo tah  vehrce) -it's pouring!
dehors, il fait très froid (deh ohrz eel fay treh fwah) -It's very cold outside

Friday, February 15, 2013

Nasty Weather

Quel sale temps (kell sale tahmp) -It's nasty weather
Prenez votre imperméable (preh nay voh truh ahm pehr me ah bluh) -Take your raincoat
Vous allez attraper un rhume (vooz ah lay ah trah pay uhn room) -You are going to catch a cold
il pleut à verse! (eel ploo tah  vehrce) -it's pouring!
dehors, il fait très froid (deh ohrz eel fay treh fwah) -It's very cold outside

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Vegetable Buying

Let's practice our phrase Je voudrais acheter... (zhuh voo dray ah shah tay) -I would like to buy...
Je voudrais acheter...
des tomates (day toh maht) -some tomatoes
un oignon (uhn own yown) -an onion
des pommes de terre (day pohm deh tehr) -some potatoes
une laitue (oon lay too) -a lettuce
du maïs (day may eez) -some corn
un avocat (uhn ah voh kah) -an avocado

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Vegetable Buying

Let's practice our phrase Je voudrais acheter... (zhuh voo dray ah shah tay) -I would like to buy...
Je voudrais acheter...
des tomates (day toh maht) -some tomatoes
un oignon (uhn own yown) -an onion
des pommes de terre (day pohm deh tehr) -some potatoes
une laitue (oon lay too) -a lettuce
du maïs (day may eez) -some corn
un avocat (uhn ah voh kah) -an avocado

Sunday, February 3, 2013 French words

If you are using (the french site) these are some words you will see on their page:

Panier (pah nee ay) -Checkout (literally means basket)
Liste Cadeaux (leest kah doh) -Wish list (literally cadeaux means gifts)
rechercher (ray shehr shay) -Search (leterally means to look for)
Votre compte (voh truh kohmpt) -Your account
Aide (aid) -Help
Nos meilleures ventes (noh may yurr vehnt) -Bestsellers (nos -our, meilleures -best, ventes -sales)
cliquez ici (kleek ay ee see) -click here
détaillée (ray shehrsh day tah yay) -advanced search
nos rubriques (noh roo breek) -browse subjects
ajouter au panier (ah zhoo tay oh pah nee ay) -add to cart