Sunday, December 30, 2012

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Quel jour sommes-nous aujourd'hui? (kell sohm noo oh zhoor dwee) -What day is it (literally: What day are we today)

Hier, nous étions samedi (nooz ay tee ohn sah meh dee) -Yesterday was Saturday
Nous sommes dimanche (noo sohm dimanche) -Today is Sunday
Demain, nous serons lundi (deh mahn noo seh rohn luhn dee) -Tomorrow is Monday

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Quel jour sommes-nous aujourd'hui? (kell sohm noo oh zhoor dwee) -What day is it (literally: What day are we today)

Hier, nous étions samedi (nooz ay tee ohn sah meh dee) -Yesterday was Saturday
Nous sommes dimanche (noo sohm dimanche) -Today is Sunday
Demain, nous serons lundi (deh mahn noo seh rohn luhn dee) -Tomorrow is Monday

Monday, December 24, 2012

What Time Are You Coming Home?

A quelle heure rentres-tu à la maison (ah kell heure rehnt too ah lah may zahn) -What time are you coming home 

Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sitting -Verb of the Week

asseoir (ah swah) -to sit

J'assieds (jah see ehd) - I am sitting
Tu assieds (too ah see ehd) -You are sitting (when speaking to a friend or family member)
il assied (eel ah see ehd) He is sitting
Elle assied (ell ah see ehd) -She is sitting
Nous asseyons (booz ah say ohn) -We are sitting
Vous asseyez (vooz ah say ay) -You are sitting (when speaking to someone you don't know well)
ils asseyent (eelz ah say) -They are sitting (when speaking of an all male or mixed male & female group)
Elles asseyent (ellz ah say) -They are sitting (when speaking of an all female group)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sitting -Verb of the Week

asseoir (ah swah) -to sit

J'assieds (jah see ehd) - I am sitting
Tu assieds (too ah see ehd) -You are sitting (when speaking to a friend or family member)
il assied (eel ah see ehd) He is sitting
Elle assied (ell ah see ehd) -She is sitting
Nous asseyons (booz ah say ohn) -We are sitting
Vous asseyez (vooz ah say ay) -You are sitting (when speaking to someone you don't know well)
ils asseyent (eelz ah say) -They are sitting (when speaking of an all male or mixed male & female group)
Elles asseyent (ellz ah say) -They are sitting (when speaking of an all female group)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Where Can I Buy...-Phrases of the Week

Où puis-je acheter de l’aspirine? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay deh lah speer een) -Where can I buy some Aspirin?
Où puis-je acheter un journal? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay uhn zhoor nahl) -Where can I buy a newspaper?
Où puis-je acheter des timbres? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay day teem bruh) -Where can I buy some stamps?
Où puis-je acheter du pain? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay doo pahn) -Where can I buy some bread?
Où puis-je acheter des billets? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay day bee yay) -Where can I buy some tickets?

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Easy Vocabulary Word of the Day -Zoo

Where Can I Buy... -Phrases of the Week

Où puis-je acheter de l’aspirine? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay deh lah speer een) -Where can I buy some Aspirin?
Où puis-je acheter un journal? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay uhn zhoor nahl) -Where can I buy a newspaper?
Où puis-je acheter des timbres? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay day teem bruh) -Where can I buy some stamps?
Où puis-je acheter du pain? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay doo pahn) -Where can I buy some bread?
Où puis-je acheter des billets? (oo pwee zhuh ah shah tay day bee yay) -Where can I buy some tickets?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Forgetfullness -Phrases of the Week

J'ai oublié... (zhay ooh blee ay) -I forgot...

J'ai oublié mes clés (zhay ooh blee ay may klay) -my keys
J'ai oublié de laver le linge (zhay ooh blee ay deh lah vay leh leeng) -to wash the clothes
J'ai completement oublié (zhay kohm pleh teh mahnt ooh blee ay) -I completely forgot
J'ai oublié de te demander... (zhay ooh blee ay deh teh day mahn day) -I forgot to ask you...
Tu n'oublie jamais (too noo blee zhah may) -Never forget (when speaking to a friend or family member)
Vous n'oubliez jamais (voo noo blee ay zhah may) -never forget (when speaking to someone you don't know well)
Jamais oublier (zhah may ooh blee ay) -never forget
il n'y a pas de quoi (eel nee yah pah deh kwah) -forget it, don't mention it

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Forgetfullness -Phrases of the Week

J'ai oublié... (zhay ooh blee ay) -I forgot...

J'ai oublié mes clés (zhay ooh blee ay may klay) -my keys
J'ai oublié de laver le linge (zhay ooh blee ay deh lah vay leh leeng) -to wash the clothes
J'ai completement oublié (zhay kohm pleh teh mahnt ooh blee ay) -I completely forgot
J'ai oublié de te demander... (zhay ooh blee ay deh teh day mahn day) -I forgot to ask you...
Tu n'oublie jamais (too noo blee zhah may) -Never forget (when speaking to a friend or family member)
Vous n'oubliez jamais (voo noo blee ay zhah may) -never forget (when speaking to someone you don't know well)
Jamais oublier (zhah may ooh blee ay) -never forget
il n'y a pas de quoi (eel nee yah pah deh kwah) -forget it, don't mention it