Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lesson #254 -In The Past

il y a huit jours (eel ee ah weet zhoor) -one week ago
il y a quinze jours (eel ee ah kahnz zhoor) -two weeks ago
il y a deux mois (eel ee ah doo mwah) -two months ago
il y a deux ans (eel ee ah dooz ahn) -two years ago
l’année dernière (lah nay durr nee ehr) -last year
la semaine dernière (lah seh mahn durr nee ehr) -last week
le mois dernière (leh mwah durr nee ehr) -last month

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Essential Phrase of the Week -Can You...

Pouvez-vous m'aider? (poo vay voo may day) -Can you help me?
Puis-je vous aider? (pwee zhuh vooz ay day) -Can I help you?
Pouvez voo me dire...? (poo vay voo meh deer) -Can you tell me...?
Où se trouve...? (ooh seh troov) -Where can I find...?
J'aimerais obtenir des renseignements (zhahm urr ay day reh zhehn neh mahn) -I need some information.

Children's Word of the Day - A Room

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Essential Phrase of the Week -Can You...

Pouvez-vous m'aider? (poo vay voo may day) -Can you help me?
Puis-je vous aider? (pwee zhuh vooz ay day) -Can I help you?
Pouvez voo me dire...? (poo vay voo meh deer) -Can you tell me...?
Où se trouve...? (ooh seh troov) -Where can I find...?
J'aimerais obtenir des renseignements (zhahm urr ay day reh zhehn neh mahn) -I need some information.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lesson #253 -Colors

Basic colors you should know:

blanc (blahnk) -white (for a male word)
blanche (blahnsh) -white (for a female word)
noir (noh wah) -black (for a male word)
noire (noh wah) -black (for a female word)
rouge (roozh) -red (for male or female words)
bleu (bluh) -blue (for a male word)
bleue (bloo) -blue (for a female word)
vert (vehr) -green (for a male word)
verte (vehrt) -green (for a female word)
jaune (zhwahn) -yellow (for male or female words)
orange (ohr ranzh) -orange (for male or female words)
brun (bruhn) -brown (for a male word)
brune (broohn) -brown (for a female word)

Colors are adjectives (a word that describes something about noun or word it is paired with)
examples: the blue room, the red hat, the yellow bicycle, etc.

In French most adjectives most adjectives follow the noun:
le livre bleu (leh lee vruh bluh) -the blue book
la porte rouge (lah port roozh) -the red door
la semaine prochaine (lah seh mahn proh shayn) -the next week

There are a few adjectives that come before the noun. We will learn these in our next lesson.

You will also notice that a few adjectives like black, blue, white, etc have two ways to spell them based on whether or not the word is male or female)  With most adjectives you would end the male adjective with an "e" to make it female. (bleu-bleue, vert-verte, noir-noire etc)

Don't worry too much getting it right. Remember our purpose here is to learn enough french to be able to move around France being able to be somewhat understood.

Practice saying the colors as you look at different things for the next few days.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Essential Foods of the Week

du sel (doo sell) -some salt
du poivre (doo pwah vruh) -some pepper
du sucre (doo soo kruh) -some sugar
du ketchup (doo keh chuhp) -some ketchup
de la mayonnaise (deh lah may oh nayz) -some mayo
de la moutarde (deh lah moo tahrd) -some mustard

Children's Word of the Day - The Stars In The Sky

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Lesson #252 Having

As-tu... (ah too) -Do you have... (when speaking to a friend or family member)
A-t-il...  (ah teel lah) -Does he have...
A-t-elle... (ah tell) -Does she have...
Avons-nous... (ah vahn noo) -Do we have...
Avez-vous (ah vay voo) -Do you have... (when speaking to someone you don't know well)
Ont-ils... (ohn teel) -Do they have... (when speaking of an all male or mixed male & female group)
Ont-elles (ohn tell) --Do they have... (when speaking of an all female group)

... la réponse (lah ray pahnce) -the answer
... les billets (lay bee yay) -the tickets
... les clés (lay klay) -the keys
... les passeports (lay pahce pohrt) -the passports
... les directions (lay die rehk shee ohn) -the directions

Monday, August 15, 2011

Lesson #251 Do We Know Where We Are Going?

Sais-tu où sont vas-tu? (oo sohn vah too) -Do you know where you are going? (speaking to a friend or family member)
Sait-il où il va? (say teel ooh eel vah) -Does he know where he is going?
Sait-elle où elle va? (say tell ooh ell vah) -Does she know where she is going?
Savez-vous où vous allez? (sah vay voo ooh vooz ah lay) -Do you know where you are going? (speaking to someone you don't know well)
Savent-ils où ils vont? (sahv teel ooh eel vohn) -Do they know where they are going?

Essential Foods of the Week

du sel (doo sell) -some salt
du poivre (doo pwah vruh) -some pepper
du sucre (doo soo kruh) -some sugar
du ketchup (doo keh chuhp) -some ketchup
de la mayonnaise (deh lah may oh nayz) -some mayo
de la moutarde (deh lah moo tahrd) -some mustard

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Essential Phrase of the Week -I Can Not Find...

Je ne trouve pas... (zhuh neh troov pah) -I can not find my...

mes clés (may klay) -my keys
mon passeport (mohn pahss pohr) -my passport
mes lunettes de soleil (may loo neht deh soh lay) -my sunglasses
nos billets (noh bee yay) -out tickets

Children's Word of the Day - Big Nose

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Lesson #250 -I'm Afraid Of...

J'ai peur... (zhay purr) -I'm afraid (scared)...

des araignées (dayz ah rayn yay) -of spiders
de voler (deh voh lay) -of flying
des chiens (day shee ehn) -of dogs
du noir (doo noh wah) -of the dark
des films d'horreur (day feelm doh rurr) -of scary films

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Essential Foods of the Week

Je voudrais _________ s'il vous plaît (zhuh voo dray __________ seel voo play) -I would like______ please.

un café (doo kah fay) -a coffee
du lait (doo lay) -some milk
du pain (doo pahn) -some bread
un thé (uhn tay) -a tea
du beurre (doo burr) -some butter

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Essential Foods of the Week

Je voudrais _________ s'il vous plaît (zhuh voo dray __________ seel voo play) -I would like______ please.

un café (doo kah fay) -a coffee
du lait (doo lay) -some milk
du pain (doo pahn) -some bread
un thé (uhn tay) -a tea
du beurre (doo burr) -some butter

Friday, August 5, 2011

Lesson #249 Common Commands

Ferme la porte (fehr may lah pohrt) -Close The door.
Pars tout de suite (pahr toot sweet) -Leave right away.
Ouvrons les fenêtres (ooh vrahn lay feh neh truh) -Let's open the windows.
Revenez demain (reh veh nay deh mahn) -Come back tomorrow.
Prenez votre temps (prhe nay voh truh tahmp) -Take your time

Essential Foods of the Week

Je voudrais _________ s'il vous plaît (zhuh voo dray __________ seel voo play) -I would like______ please.

un café (doo kah fay) -a coffee
du lait (doo lay) -some milk
du pain (doo pahn) -some bread
un thé (uhn tay) -a tea
du beurre (doo burr) -some butter

Children's Word of the Day - French Fries

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Essential Foods of the Week

Je voudrais _________ s'il vous plaît (zhuh voo dray __________ seel voo play) -I would like______ please.

un café (doo kah fay) -a coffee
du lait (doo lay) -some milk
du pain (doo pahn) -some bread
un thé (uhn tay) -a tea
du beurre (doo burr) -some butter

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Essential Foods of the Week

Je voudrais _________ s'il vous plaît (zhuh voo dray __________ seel voo play) -I would like______ please.

un café (doo kah fay) -a coffee
du lait (doo lay) -some milk
du pain (doo pahn) -some bread
un thé (uhn tay) -a tea
du beurre (doo burr) -some butter

Children's Word of the Day - Cloud

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Essential Foods of the Week

Je voudrais _________ s'il vous plaît (zhuh voo dray __________ seel voo play) -I would like______ please.

un café (doo kah fay) -a coffee
du lait (doo lay) -some milk
du pain (doo pahn) -some bread
un thé (uhn tay) -a tea
du beurre (doo burr) -some butter

Children's Word of the Day - My Chair

Monday, August 1, 2011

Essential Foods of the Week

Je voudrais _________ s'il vous plaît (zhuh voo dray __________ seel voo play) -I would like______ please.

un café (doo kah fay) -a coffee
du lait (doo lay) -some milk
du pain (doo pahn) -some bread
un thé (uhn tay) -a tea
du beurre (doo burr) -some butter

Children's Word of the Day - Garden

Kids, when you see a garden, point to it and say "le jardin" (leh zhar dahn) -when you say the dahn part at the end of the word, the "n" sound is almost silent, click below to hear the word.

You see the "n" sound is a nasal sound, almost silent.