If you are traveling to France on vacation, I've been told and have read that August * is not a good month for vacation as this is when a lot of the french people take their vacations (French workers are entitled to 5 weeks of vacation each year). So if you go in August you will find many stores & shops closed. They are "En vacance" (on vah kance) -on vacation.
*août (ooot) - August (the months in french are not capitalized)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Lesson 8 - More Directions
More phrases for directions:
Où descendons-nous pour aller... (ooh day sahn dohn noo poor ahl lay) - Where do we get off to go to...
C'est loin? (say low ahn) - Is it far?
C'est près d'ici? (say preh dee see) - Is it near here?
Au coin de... (oh kwahn deh) - At the corner of...
Au bout de... (oh boo deh) - At the end of...
More numbers:
31 - trente et un (trahnt ay uhn), 32 - trente-deux (trahnt duh), 33 - trente trois (trahnt twah), 34 - trente-quatre (trahnt kah truh), 35 - trente-cinq (trahnt sank)
Lesson # 10 on Sep. 3
Où descendons-nous pour aller... (ooh day sahn dohn noo poor ahl lay) - Where do we get off to go to...
C'est loin? (say low ahn) - Is it far?
C'est près d'ici? (say preh dee see) - Is it near here?
Au coin de... (oh kwahn deh) - At the corner of...
Au bout de... (oh boo deh) - At the end of...
More numbers:
31 - trente et un (trahnt ay uhn), 32 - trente-deux (trahnt duh), 33 - trente trois (trahnt twah), 34 - trente-quatre (trahnt kah truh), 35 - trente-cinq (trahnt sank)
Lesson # 10 on Sep. 3
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Must See Film - The Triplets Of Bellville
>>The Triplets Of Belleville
Following a 1930s-style cartoon parody featuring the singing Triplettes of the title (Violette, Blanche, and Rose, whose names are loosely patterned on the colours of the French flag) in their heyday, the story focuses on Madame Souza, an elderly woman raising her orphaned grandson Champion. Seeking to pull him out of his funk, she buys the child a tricycle, and as the years pass he achieves such excellence as a cyclist that he enters the Tour De France. Unfortunately he and two other riders are kidnapped and brought to a fictional metropolis called Belleville (the inhabitants of Belleville represent caricatured 1950s-era American stereotypes, but the city itself is portrayed as a cross between Paris, Montreal and New York City) where a gangster forces them to pedal all day on a bicycle-based gambling machine located in the bowels of the Belleville French Wine Center. With the aid of the family dog Bruno, Madame Souza sets off on a paddle boat journey to the city of Belleville. There she meets the Triplettes, now aged and decrepit but still performing, and the four women set out to rescue Madame Souza's grandson.
The Triplets Of Belleville trailer

The Triplets Of Belleville trailer
Quick Phrase Of The Day - I Am Sorry
Je suis désolé (zhuh swee day zole lay)-I am sorry
Repeat this phrase & write it down all day long, till you know it by heart
Vocabulary word of the day:
un portefeuille (uhn port foo eel) - a wallet
J'ai perdue mon portefeuille (zhay purr doo mohn port foo eel) - I have lost my wallet
Repeat this phrase & write it down all day long, till you know it by heart
Vocabulary word of the day:
un portefeuille (uhn port foo eel) - a wallet
J'ai perdue mon portefeuille (zhay purr doo mohn port foo eel) - I have lost my wallet
Monday, August 25, 2008
Lesson # 8 - To Have & Have Not
Lesson 8 - To Have & Have Not
This lesson you will learn how to say "I Have"
J'ai (zhay) - I have
Je n'ai pas (zhuh nay pah) - I don't have
Tu as (too ah) - You have
Tu n'as pas (too nah pah) - You don't have
Il a (eel ah) - He has
Il n'a pas (eel nah pah) - He doesn't have
Elle a (ehl ah) - She has
Elle n'a pas (ehl nah pah) - She doesn't have
Nous avons (nooze ah vohn) - We have
Nous n'avons pas (noo nah vohn pah) - We don't have
Vous avez (vooze ah vay) - You have
Vous n'avez pas (voo nah vay pah) - You don't have
Ils ont (eel zohn) -They have (refers to a group of men or men & women together)
Ils n'ont pas (eel nohn pah) - They don't have
Elles ont (ehl zohn) - They have (refers to a group of women only)
Elles n'ont pas (ehl nohn pah) -They don't have
You will notice there are 2 ways of saying "You have". Tu is used when speaking to a friend, relative, or someone you are very friendly with. Vous is used when speaking to people who are strangers, shopkeepers, etc. It is the polite way to speak to most people when you are visiting France, since you do not really know them well. Remember always be polite, use S'il vous plâit (see voo play) -"please", and Merci (mehr see) - "Thank You" a lot.
More Numbers to learn:
26 - vingt-six (vahn seece), 27 - vingt-sept (vahn set), 28 - vingt-huit (vahn wheat), 29 - vingt-neuf (vahn nuhf), 30 - trente (trahnt)
Since I put in a lot of things in this posting the next actual lesson will be on Aug. 31
Practice this lesson for the next few days to get comfortable with it. I will still post little phrases each day till then.
This lesson you will learn how to say "I Have"
J'ai (zhay) - I have
Je n'ai pas (zhuh nay pah) - I don't have
Tu as (too ah) - You have
Tu n'as pas (too nah pah) - You don't have
Il a (eel ah) - He has
Il n'a pas (eel nah pah) - He doesn't have
Elle a (ehl ah) - She has
Elle n'a pas (ehl nah pah) - She doesn't have
Nous avons (nooze ah vohn) - We have
Nous n'avons pas (noo nah vohn pah) - We don't have
Vous avez (vooze ah vay) - You have
Vous n'avez pas (voo nah vay pah) - You don't have
Ils ont (eel zohn) -They have (refers to a group of men or men & women together)
Ils n'ont pas (eel nohn pah) - They don't have
Elles ont (ehl zohn) - They have (refers to a group of women only)
Elles n'ont pas (ehl nohn pah) -They don't have
You will notice there are 2 ways of saying "You have". Tu is used when speaking to a friend, relative, or someone you are very friendly with. Vous is used when speaking to people who are strangers, shopkeepers, etc. It is the polite way to speak to most people when you are visiting France, since you do not really know them well. Remember always be polite, use S'il vous plâit (see voo play) -"please", and Merci (mehr see) - "Thank You" a lot.
More Numbers to learn:
26 - vingt-six (vahn seece), 27 - vingt-sept (vahn set), 28 - vingt-huit (vahn wheat), 29 - vingt-neuf (vahn nuhf), 30 - trente (trahnt)
Since I put in a lot of things in this posting the next actual lesson will be on Aug. 31
Practice this lesson for the next few days to get comfortable with it. I will still post little phrases each day till then.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Welcome To All The Newcomers
Bonjour tout le monde (bohn zhur too leh mohnd). Hello everyone
Thanks for the nice responses to my site. For all you newcomers, the reason for this blog is this:
1. For me to keep at studying my French.
2. For you to learn with me at a relaxed & non structured pace. (No grades or report cards :)
3. I will not teach unnecessary phrases or words that you will probably never use if you visit France (such as drain-pipe, soil, grasshopper, oboe, etc). We will only concentrate on words & phrases that we would need if we go on a vacation to France.
I will not dwell on grammer, or thousands of verbs and every possible past present and future combinations that they teach in the books. My purpose is to learn needed words and phrases so we will not stumble around Paris trying to find someone who speaks English. We not be fluent in french through this site, but we will be able to somewhat communicate to people when we get there. Where I work we have thousands of tourists visiting our store, and they do not speak perfect English, but I can tell what they are trying to communicate to me. That is what I want to be able to do if and when I ever go to France.
As I am a beginner also, Any comments, or suggestions, or corrections will be greatly appreciated.
So in the meantime, everyone have fun with this blog, practice the phrases in your head all day long, & enjoy. -Roy
Thanks for the nice responses to my site. For all you newcomers, the reason for this blog is this:
1. For me to keep at studying my French.
2. For you to learn with me at a relaxed & non structured pace. (No grades or report cards :)
3. I will not teach unnecessary phrases or words that you will probably never use if you visit France (such as drain-pipe, soil, grasshopper, oboe, etc). We will only concentrate on words & phrases that we would need if we go on a vacation to France.
I will not dwell on grammer, or thousands of verbs and every possible past present and future combinations that they teach in the books. My purpose is to learn needed words and phrases so we will not stumble around Paris trying to find someone who speaks English. We not be fluent in french through this site, but we will be able to somewhat communicate to people when we get there. Where I work we have thousands of tourists visiting our store, and they do not speak perfect English, but I can tell what they are trying to communicate to me. That is what I want to be able to do if and when I ever go to France.
As I am a beginner also, Any comments, or suggestions, or corrections will be greatly appreciated.
So in the meantime, everyone have fun with this blog, practice the phrases in your head all day long, & enjoy. -Roy
Quick Phrase of the Day - I Am Hungry, Thirsty
J'ai faim (zhay fahn*) - I am hungry
J'ai soif (zhay swahf) - I am thirsty
*The "n" sound at the end of the word is cut off very abruptly, almost not hearing it at all)
Repeat these phrases all day long, till you know them by heart.
J'ai soif (zhay swahf) - I am thirsty
*The "n" sound at the end of the word is cut off very abruptly, almost not hearing it at all)
Repeat these phrases all day long, till you know them by heart.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Quick Phrase of the Day - You Are Very Kind
Vous êtes très gentil (vooze eht tray zhan tee) - You are very kind
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart
Friday, August 22, 2008
Lesson 7 - Ordering Breakfast
Lesson 7 - Ordering Breakfast
Je voudrais des oeufs sur le plat (zhuh voo dray days oof sir leh plah) -I would like some fried eggs
Je voudrais des oeufs au bacon (zhuh voo dray days oof oh bay cohn) - I would like some bacon & eggs
Je voudrais des crêpes avec des sirop d'érable (zhuh voo dray day krehp ah vehk day seer rahp day rah bluh) - I would like some pancakes with maple syrup
Je voudrais des céréales (zhuh voo dray day say ray ahl) - I would like some cereal
Je voudrais de jus d'orange (zhuh voo dray deh zhooce door rahnzh) - I would like some orange juice
Je voudrais une tasse de café (zhuh voo dray oon tahce deh kah fay) - I would like a cup of coffee
Je voudrais une tartine grillée (zhuh voo dray oon tar teen gree yay) - I would like a piece of toast
Remember to be polite & use the phrase S'il vous plâit (seel voo play) -please, often.
More numbers:
21- vingt et un (vahn tay uhn), 22- vingt deux (vahn doo), 23- vingt trois (vahn twah), 24- vingt quatre (vahn kah truh), 25- vingt cinq (vahn sank)
Lesson 8 on Aug. 25
Je voudrais des oeufs sur le plat (zhuh voo dray days oof sir leh plah) -I would like some fried eggs
Je voudrais des oeufs au bacon (zhuh voo dray days oof oh bay cohn) - I would like some bacon & eggs
Je voudrais des crêpes avec des sirop d'érable (zhuh voo dray day krehp ah vehk day seer rahp day rah bluh) - I would like some pancakes with maple syrup
Je voudrais des céréales (zhuh voo dray day say ray ahl) - I would like some cereal
Je voudrais de jus d'orange (zhuh voo dray deh zhooce door rahnzh) - I would like some orange juice
Je voudrais une tasse de café (zhuh voo dray oon tahce deh kah fay) - I would like a cup of coffee
Je voudrais une tartine grillée (zhuh voo dray oon tar teen gree yay) - I would like a piece of toast
Remember to be polite & use the phrase S'il vous plâit (seel voo play) -please, often.
More numbers:
21- vingt et un (vahn tay uhn), 22- vingt deux (vahn doo), 23- vingt trois (vahn twah), 24- vingt quatre (vahn kah truh), 25- vingt cinq (vahn sank)
Lesson 8 on Aug. 25
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
French Music - Yann Tiersen

Quick Phrase Of The Day - Directions
If someone is giving you directions they may say:
tourner à gauche (tour nay ah gohsh) - turn left
tourner à droite (tour nay a dwaht) - turn right
aller tout droit (ahl lay too dwah) - go straight
Repeat these phrases all day long, till you know them by heart.
tourner à gauche (tour nay ah gohsh) - turn left
tourner à droite (tour nay a dwaht) - turn right
aller tout droit (ahl lay too dwah) - go straight
Repeat these phrases all day long, till you know them by heart.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Film Title In French - Indiana Jones

"Indiana Jones Et Le Royaume Du Crâne De Cristal" : vingt ans après, le retour d'Indiana Jones
(Indiana Jones ay luh roy yahm doo krahn duh kree stahl : vant ahn ah pray, luh reh tour deh Indiana Jones)
Translation : Indiana Jones & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull : 20 years later, the return of Indiana Jones
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Lesson 6 Who What Where Why When & How
Lesson 6 Who What Where Why When & How
Qui (kee) - who
Quoi (kwah) - what?
Où (ooh) - where
Pourquoi (poor kwah) - why
Quand (kahn) - when
Comment (kaw mahn) - How
More numbers: seize (sehz) -16, dix-sept (deeze set) -17, dix-huit (deeze wheat)-18, dix-neuf (deexe nuhf) -19, vingt (van) -20
Lesson 7 will be on Aug. 22
Qui (kee) - who
Quoi (kwah) - what?
Où (ooh) - where
Pourquoi (poor kwah) - why
Quand (kahn) - when
Comment (kaw mahn) - How
More numbers: seize (sehz) -16, dix-sept (deeze set) -17, dix-huit (deeze wheat)-18, dix-neuf (deexe nuhf) -19, vingt (van) -20
Lesson 7 will be on Aug. 22
Monday, August 18, 2008
Quick Phrase of the Day - I Am Looking For...
Je cherche... (zhuh shehrsh) - I am looking for...
Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.
un téléphone (ohn tay lay fone) - a telephone
une carte de la ville (oon kahrt deh lah vee) - a map of the city
une toilette (oon twah let) - a restroom
une station d'essence (oon stah see yohn deh sahnce) - a gas station
Sunday, August 17, 2008
French Novel One Must Read- Les Misérables

"One Day More" -Les Miz
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Saturday, August 16, 2008
Must See French Film - La Femme Nikita

This is one of the best transformation movies ever - the ultimate in character development. Anne Parillaudis brilliantly portrays feral hostility in the early scenes, and her transformation into a new person is entirely credible. It is a joy watching an immoral street wretch gradually awaken to become an attractive accomplished woman. It is also a surprisingly touching movie - one of the best of Besson's films. It is finely paced and beautifully shot, with some of the best acting and writing of the genre. The script too is exellent.
Please click on any of the items below to purchase from Amazon.com & help supoort this site.
Lesson # 5 Simple Responses
Lesson # 5 Simple Responses
Oui (wee) - yes
Non (nohn) No Note (even though the pronunciation shows “nohn” when you say it you are saying the last “n” very breifly. You are cutting the sound of it very short, almost not saying it at all)
S’il vous plaît (seal voo play) - please
Merci (mare see) - Thank You
De rien (dehr ree yen) - You’re welcome (literally means “it’s nothing”)
D’accord (dah core) - O.K., Agreed
more numbers: onze (ownz) -11, douze (dooz) -12, treize (trehz) -13, quatorze (kahtorz) -14, quinze (kanz) -15
Lesson # 6 will be posted on 8/19
Oui (wee) - yes
Non (nohn) No Note (even though the pronunciation shows “nohn” when you say it you are saying the last “n” very breifly. You are cutting the sound of it very short, almost not saying it at all)
S’il vous plaît (seal voo play) - please
Merci (mare see) - Thank You
De rien (dehr ree yen) - You’re welcome (literally means “it’s nothing”)
D’accord (dah core) - O.K., Agreed
more numbers: onze (ownz) -11, douze (dooz) -12, treize (trehz) -13, quatorze (kahtorz) -14, quinze (kanz) -15
Lesson # 6 will be posted on 8/19
Friday, August 15, 2008
The Musée d'Orsay

The Musée d'Orsay is a museum in Paris, France, on the left bank of the Seine, housed in the former railway station, the Gare d'Orsay. It holds mainly French art dating from 1848 to 1915, including paintings, sculptures, furniture, and photography, and is probably best known for its extensive collection of impressionist masterpieces by popular painters such as Monet and Renoir.
9:30am to 6 pm
9:30am to 9:45pm on Thursdays
Closed on Mondays
Admission is 8 Euros normally. For everyone after 4:15 pm is 5.50 Euros (except on Thursdays after 6 PM is 5.50 Euros), Under 18 year old Free Admission, and the 1st Sunday of every month is Free Admission for all.
Keep your ticket!
In the week following the date on your Musée d'Orsay entrance ticket you can take advantage of reduced rates:
to buy a ticket for the Gustave Moreau National Museum
to visit the Palais Garnier (Paris National Opera) unguided
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Quick Phrase Of The Day - How Much Is It?
One phrase you will use a lot in French shops:
Combien coûte? (kawm bee yehn koot) - How much is it?
Repeat this phrase all day long, till you know it by heart.
Combien coûte? (kawm bee yehn koot) - How much is it?
Repeat this phrase all day long, till you know it by heart.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Prototypes - "Je Ne Te Connais Pas"
The Prototypes are a very popular french rock group. You may have heard this song in a BMW ad on TV.
Prototypes - "Je Ne Te Connais Pas"
Click on their image below to purchase their CD from Amazon.com & help supoort this site.
Prototypes - "Je Ne Te Connais Pas"
Click on their image below to purchase their CD from Amazon.com & help supoort this site.
Quick Phrase Of The Day -Do You Have A Reservation?
A question you might hear in a restaurant:
Vous avez une réservation? (vooz ah vay oon reh zer vay shee yohn) - Do you have a reservation?
Your response would be either:
J'ai une réservation (zhay oon reh zer vay shee yohn) - I have a reservation
Je n'ai pas une réservation (zhuh nay pah oon reh zer vay shee yohn) - I don't have a reservation
Repeat these phrases all day today, till you know them by heart.
Vous avez une réservation? (vooz ah vay oon reh zer vay shee yohn) - Do you have a reservation?
Your response would be either:
J'ai une réservation (zhay oon reh zer vay shee yohn) - I have a reservation
Je n'ai pas une réservation (zhuh nay pah oon reh zer vay shee yohn) - I don't have a reservation
Repeat these phrases all day today, till you know them by heart.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Greeting Etiquette
Meeting Etiquette
The handshake is a common form of greeting.
Friends may greet each other by lightly kissing on the cheeks, once on the left cheek and once on the right cheek.
First names are reserved for family and close friends. Wait until invited before using someone's first name.
You are expected to say 'bonjour' or 'bonsoir' (good morning and good evening) with the honorific title Monsieur or Madame when entering a shop and 'au revoir' (good-bye) when leaving.
If you live in an apartment building, it is polite to greet your neighbours with the same appellation.
Bonjour (bohn zhure) - Good Morning, Good Day
Bonsoir (bohn swah) - Good Evening
Monsieur (meh sure) - Mister
Madame (mah dahm) - Madam
The handshake is a common form of greeting.
Friends may greet each other by lightly kissing on the cheeks, once on the left cheek and once on the right cheek.
First names are reserved for family and close friends. Wait until invited before using someone's first name.
You are expected to say 'bonjour' or 'bonsoir' (good morning and good evening) with the honorific title Monsieur or Madame when entering a shop and 'au revoir' (good-bye) when leaving.
If you live in an apartment building, it is polite to greet your neighbours with the same appellation.
Bonjour (bohn zhure) - Good Morning, Good Day
Bonsoir (bohn swah) - Good Evening
Monsieur (meh sure) - Mister
Madame (mah dahm) - Madam
Lesson # 4 Days of the Week
Lesson # 4 Days of the Week
lundi (luhn dee) - Monday
mardi (mare dee) - Tuesday
mercredi (mare kreh dee) - Wednesday
jeudi (zhuh dee) - Thursday
vendredi (vahn dreh dee) - Friday
samedi (sam dee) - Saturday
dimanche (dee mahnsh) - Sunday
Note- The days of the week are not capitalized in French
Lesson #5 will be on 8/16
lundi (luhn dee) - Monday
mardi (mare dee) - Tuesday
mercredi (mare kreh dee) - Wednesday
jeudi (zhuh dee) - Thursday
vendredi (vahn dreh dee) - Friday
samedi (sam dee) - Saturday
dimanche (dee mahnsh) - Sunday
Note- The days of the week are not capitalized in French
Lesson #5 will be on 8/16
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Numbers 1 to 10 Review
Let's review the numbers 1 to 10 which we learned in Lessons #1 & #2
1 - une (oon) 2 - deux (doo) 3 - trois (twah) 4 - quatre (kat ruh) 5 - cinq (sank)
6 - six (seece) 7 - sept (set) 8 - huit (wheat) 9 - neuf (nuff) 10 - dix (deece)
1 - une (oon) 2 - deux (doo) 3 - trois (twah) 4 - quatre (kat ruh) 5 - cinq (sank)
6 - six (seece) 7 - sept (set) 8 - huit (wheat) 9 - neuf (nuff) 10 - dix (deece)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Quick Phrase Of The Day - Here Is My Passport
Voici mon passeport (vwah see mohn pahce pore) - Here is my passport
Repeat this phrase all day till you know it by heart.
Repeat this phrase all day till you know it by heart.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Quick Phrase Of The Day - My Name Is...
Je m'appelle.... (zhuh mah pell) - my name is
(literally translates to- "I call myself")
Repeat this phrase all day till you know it by heart.
(literally translates to- "I call myself")
Repeat this phrase all day till you know it by heart.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
More Words To Use For Lesson 2
In Lesson 2 we learned how to say "Je voudrais...?" (I would like...)
Here are more things you will want to use with that question with:
un croissant (uhn kwa sahnt) - a croissant
une tranche de gâteau (oon trawnsh deh gah tow) - a slice of cake
une carte de Paris (oon kart deh pah ree) - a map of Paris
une tasse de thé (oon tahce deh tay) - a cup of tea
un verre de jus d'orange (ohn vehr deh zhooce door ansh) - a glass of Orange juice
practice those words with the phrase "Je voudrais..." from Lesson 2
Here are more things you will want to use with that question with:
un croissant (uhn kwa sahnt) - a croissant
une tranche de gâteau (oon trawnsh deh gah tow) - a slice of cake
une carte de Paris (oon kart deh pah ree) - a map of Paris
une tasse de thé (oon tahce deh tay) - a cup of tea
un verre de jus d'orange (ohn vehr deh zhooce door ansh) - a glass of Orange juice
practice those words with the phrase "Je voudrais..." from Lesson 2

This is the perfect way to learn about the cultural heritage of Paris and plan your activities while visiting the city. Interactive features include a panoramic film exploring the history of the city in English, and a 3-D miniature model of the city that will help you learn the lay of the land.

Paris at your fingertips!
Have fun finding where you are in Paris with the first interactive model of the city (3D and in colour!) Just as if you were flying over Paris, you’ll be able to locate all the important monuments, perspectives, gardens, major sites, and the sequence of city walls. Touch-screens provide access to photographs and a description of the 156 most important sites in Paris, including the ones featured in the Da Vinci Code!
Paris-Story11 Bis Rue Sribe,
PARISUnderground: OpéraTel. : +33 1 42 66 62 06Fax : +33 1 42 66 62 16
Internet: http://www.paris-story.com/
Length of visit: show: 45mins. Recommended age group: all
Parking: Around the Opera
More Words To Use With Lesson 1
In Lesson 1 we learned how to say "Où est...?" (where is).
Here are more places you will want to be able to ask that question with:
la piscine (lah pee seen) - the swimming pool
un magasin pour bicyclettes (luh mah gah zahn pour bee see kleht) - a bicycle shop
la gare (lah gehr) - the train station
un station service (uhn stah see yone sir veece) - a gas station
l'ascenseur (lah sahn sure) - the elevator
Now practice those words with the phrase "Où est..." from Lesson 1
Here are more places you will want to be able to ask that question with:
la piscine (lah pee seen) - the swimming pool
un magasin pour bicyclettes (luh mah gah zahn pour bee see kleht) - a bicycle shop
la gare (lah gehr) - the train station
un station service (uhn stah see yone sir veece) - a gas station
l'ascenseur (lah sahn sure) - the elevator
Now practice those words with the phrase "Où est..." from Lesson 1
Friday, August 8, 2008
The Catacombs of Paris

This cemetery covers a portion of Paris's former mines near the Left Bank's Place Denfert-Rochereau, in a location that was just outside the city gates before Paris expanded in 1860. Although this cemetery covers only a small section of underground tunnels officially called "les carrières de Paris" ("the quarries of Paris"), Parisians today popularly refer to the entire network as "the catacombs".
Lesson 2 - "I Would Like..."
When you go to places you will want to be able to tell someone "I would like...."
"Je Voudrais" - I would like...
(zuh voo dray)
Vocabulary words to use with this phrase:
un journal (ohn zoor nahl) - a newspaper "Je voudrais un journal"
un timbre (uhn tim bruh) - a stamp "Je voudrais un timbre"
un café (uhn kah fay) - a coffee "Je voudrais un café"
une chambre (oon shahm bruh) - a room "Je voudrais une chambre"
un menu (uhn men you) - a menu "je voudrais un menu"
Of course another phrase you would use after these sentences would be:
"S'il vous plaît" - Please
(see voo play)
Lesson 3 will be on Aug. 10
"Je Voudrais" - I would like...
(zuh voo dray)
Vocabulary words to use with this phrase:
un journal (ohn zoor nahl) - a newspaper "Je voudrais un journal"
un timbre (uhn tim bruh) - a stamp "Je voudrais un timbre"
un café (uhn kah fay) - a coffee "Je voudrais un café"
une chambre (oon shahm bruh) - a room "Je voudrais une chambre"
un menu (uhn men you) - a menu "je voudrais un menu"
Of course another phrase you would use after these sentences would be:
"S'il vous plaît" - Please
(see voo play)
Lesson 3 will be on Aug. 10
Thursday, August 7, 2008
The Louvre

More Words To Use With Lesson 1
In Lesson 1 we learned how to say "Où est...?" (where is).
Here are more places you will want to be able to ask that question with:
un téléphone (uhn tay lay fohn) - a telephone
les toilettes (lay twah let) - the restrooms*
l'arrêt de bus (lah reht deh booce) - the bus stop
l'hôtel (low tell) - the hotel
le stade (leh stahd) - the stadium
Now practice those words with the phrase "Où est..." from Lesson 1
*with this word you would say "Où sont les toilettes? (ooh sahn lay twah let) - Where are the restrooms?
Now practice those words with the phrase "Où est..." from Lesson 1
Here are more places you will want to be able to ask that question with:
un téléphone (uhn tay lay fohn) - a telephone
les toilettes (lay twah let) - the restrooms*
l'arrêt de bus (lah reht deh booce) - the bus stop
l'hôtel (low tell) - the hotel
le stade (leh stahd) - the stadium
Now practice those words with the phrase "Où est..." from Lesson 1
*with this word you would say "Où sont les toilettes? (ooh sahn lay twah let) - Where are the restrooms?
Now practice those words with the phrase "Où est..." from Lesson 1
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
More Words To Use With Lesson 1
In Lesson 1 we learned how to say "Où est...?" (where is). Here are more places you will want to be able to ask that question with.
une librairie (oon lee brair ree) - a bookstore
un restaurant (uhn rest tor rahnt) - a restaurant
un pharmacie (uhn farm a see) - a drugstore
une boucherie (oon boo shehr ree) - a butcher shop
une pâtisserie (oon pah tee sir ree) - a pastry shop
une boulangerie (oon boo lahn zure ree) - a bakery
Now practice those words with the phrase "Où est..." from Lesson 1
une librairie (oon lee brair ree) - a bookstore
un restaurant (uhn rest tor rahnt) - a restaurant
un pharmacie (uhn farm a see) - a drugstore
une boucherie (oon boo shehr ree) - a butcher shop
une pâtisserie (oon pah tee sir ree) - a pastry shop
une boulangerie (oon boo lahn zure ree) - a bakery
Now practice those words with the phrase "Où est..." from Lesson 1
Must See French Film - Amelie

Ohter films you should rent by Jeunet:
A Very Long Engagement
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Lesson 1 - "Where is..."
Obviously one of the things we need to know if we go to France is how to say "Where is?"
"Où est..." Where is?
(ooh ay)
Vocabulary words to use with this phrase:
le musée (leh mew zay) - the museum "Où est le musée?
le supermarché (leh sooper mar shay) - the supermarket "Où est le supermarché?"
la banque (lah bahnk) - the bank "Où est la banque?"
le bureau de poste (leh byur oh deh pohst) - the post office "Où est le bureau de poste?"
Numbers to learn for this week:
1 - une (oon) 2 - deux (doo) 3 - trois (twah) 4 - quatre (kat ruh) 5 - cinq (sank)
Next lesson will be on Friday Aug. 8
"Où est..." Where is?
(ooh ay)
Vocabulary words to use with this phrase:
le musée (leh mew zay) - the museum "Où est le musée?
le supermarché (leh sooper mar shay) - the supermarket "Où est le supermarché?"
la banque (lah bahnk) - the bank "Où est la banque?"
le bureau de poste (leh byur oh deh pohst) - the post office "Où est le bureau de poste?"
Numbers to learn for this week:
1 - une (oon) 2 - deux (doo) 3 - trois (twah) 4 - quatre (kat ruh) 5 - cinq (sank)
Next lesson will be on Friday Aug. 8
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