Thanks to all the people who have supported this site over the 7 years I've been doing it. It has been fun creating it. But I have to end it as I can not devote the time needed anymore to keep this site active. The website will stay up and you're free to go back to any old posts as they will remain posted. I am currently going to be working on a Rock & Roll CD of original music and I need to concentrate all my free time on that.
il est bon (eel ay bon) -it is good il est étrange (eel eht ay tranzh) -it is strange il est honteux (eel ay ohn toh) -it is unthinkable il est inutile d'espérer (eel eht ah noo teel dehss pay ray) -it is useless il est normal (eel ay nohr mahl) -it is normal il est suprenant (eel ay soo preh nahn) -it is surprising il est can mean either It is or He is depending on what or who you are talking about.
Je sais que vous êtes très occupé (zhuh say keh vooz eht trehz ahk yoo pay) -I see that you are very busy. Repeat this phrase all day long till you know it by heart.